<p>I'm facing a really difficult choice, and I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out, as it pertains to my schedule and it's really quite important. </p>
<p>It's about the AP English Language course, and whether I should take it. My current schedule for Junior year is:</p>
<p>AP Stat
AP World
AP Calc BC
AP Economics
AP Physics C
AP Psychology</p>
<p>I don't know whether I should add AP lang to the mix, especially considering that English was the one subject I got a B on in 9th grade (1st semester). I do enjoy writing, and I usually score the best grades in my honors level English 10 class, but it seems that there is always some sort of risk with English classes with regards to the final grade. The literature portion of AP lang is great (in fact I've read most of it before) but my English teacher says go for it counselor tells me to back down from AP lang because it could easily jeopardize my grades. I guess my question would be, and this is specifically aimed at any one taking or who has taken the course, is it worth it if you like English? How much of it is teacher-based? How is the exam? How hard is it to get an A in the class?</p>
<p>Uh, if I were you, there’s no way in hell I’d take it with an AP-laden schedule like that anyway.</p>
<p>But if you want more information about the class…</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s worth it if you like English and are into analyzing things to the last seemingly irrelevant object.
Most of the reading for my class is done at home, then we discuss in class.
Haven’t taken the exam yet so I don’t know.
Depends on your teacher. I have an A right now but I have a pretty easy teacher.</p>
<p>replace world with ap language…and push psychology until 12th grade…physics c is a ________________
you have to have four years of english if you want to go to any college even state ones (ie UC)…</p>
<p>I would drop psych or one of either econ or world or stat. I wouldn’t DARE take that many with junior year. I took 4 with a double science and that was REALLY bad. Don’t put yourself through it. AP Lang in my school is pretty easy so I took it even though I’m not great at English.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help guys. I’m just having a little trouble find something to replace the other classes with.</p>
<p>I would definitely replace AP World, AP Economics, or AP Psychology for AP Language. </p>
<p>I hated English, and I stumbled into AP Language with little knowledge of literature and the classics. However, it is definitely an enlightening class, in my opinion. I had a lot of fun despite my pathetic writing skills
However, I had a great teacher, and I don’t know if that will be the case with you, so you should go talk to the AP Lang teacher before deciding on anything. Ask him/her about the course, the syllabus, grading scale…etc…</p>
<p>I sincerely hope that you will decide to take AP Language =) Good luck.</p>
<p>Replace the holes in your schedule with something you’ll enjoy, or, since this is your junior year, experiment with something interesting. Senior year will be overwhelmed with college apps, scholarships apps, and AP testing (depending on your class workload), so enjoy your high school schedule while you can =)</p>
<p>Actually I do enjoy most of the classes listed on that schedule. I read a lot of books on economics outside of school, and I’ve read more than a few papers of psychiatry. My school forces me to take World and Calc and Stat, and I do like physics, a lot. And it is supposed to be 7 classes total. What I meant to say wuz that those classes are part of my junior schedule, and that I have to add a 7th class (which I thought I could do w/ AP lang).</p>