To be or not to be... that is not the question in this thread! Read to find out more!

<p>I'm really not informed enough to have an opinion on the matter: my secondary interest is pure Biological Sciences so it would make sense for me to apply to that major in CALS as my secondary choice.</p>

<p>And why would Cornell implement the alternate choice option if adcoms viewed it as an unfavorable thing for an applicant to do.
I would think that, maybe, it would be one of those neutral points of an individual's application.</p>

<p>here's my opinion of why (ideally) a 2nd choice/chance is good...</p>

<p>lets say you're applying to 10 colleges...and everywhere else but cornell you're applying to a general biology major...but at cornell your first choice is HBHS and 2nd choice biology...</p>

<p>when i applied for ilr...i was applying as a government major everywhere else b/c elsewhere they didnt have an ILR major...</p>

<p>Yeah, my interests can be almost perfectly summed up by HBHS, the only thing missing would be foreign language which I can easily get a lot of at Cornell.
I'm more interested in how biology affects the world around me rather than just straight-up biological theory.
Which is why HBHS is my first choice.</p>

<p>"grantortue, don't judge people (me) who you don't know the true opinions of"</p>

<p>If you have read any of my posts, I hardly ever judge people on this board. Next time instead of saying you "don't really want to go to CALS at all", maybe say "although I really want to be in Hum.Ec., I would not mind studying in CALS." Because honestly it looks like you are using CALS just to get into Cornell. I'm friends with plenty of people on this board. I have no hard feelings against you, just choose your words a little more wisely next time.</p>

<p>Alright, I agree grantortue. I DO want to go to CALS, don't get me wrong, I'd just PREFER HumEc.
I just worded it stupidly because I was kind of panicky at that point.</p>

<p>And if HumEc rejected me, I'd doubt CALS would accept me so I didn't do that "just to get into Cornell". I did it because I'm sure I would be happy studying Bio at CALS.</p>

<p>And, wow, the grammar I used in the sentence you quoted was... pretty atrocious.
My apologies.</p>