To be the first to apply for Fall or not?

<p>I am a transfer student from a CC in California. I currently have stellar gpa (4.0) and ECs along with all my prereqs completed. I will be applying to Texas A&M Petroleum engineering which I understand to be extremely competitive. My question is whether I should submit my application the day of (or even the hour of) the admissions for Fall 2014 opening or if its better to take time reading my application over and having other people review it? Will I be disadvantaged if I submit my application during the middle of the application period or even the end? Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>transfer essays have been the same the past two years, so i would assume they would be the same this time around. write the essays before application process opens, get them reviewed and you should be good. EC’s and high school stuff and all that doesn’t really matter too much for transfer students, unless you’re not an extremely competitive applicant. if you have a 4.0 with all the pre-reqs completed for Petroleum Engineering, and since you’re applying for Fall, you can send in your final Spring transcript if you don’t have all the classes completed to transfer… so basically, write the essay(s), get some letters of recommendation, and just fill out the applytexas application. It’s not complicated, just simple questions… nothing to worry about really. A&M does rolling admissions, first come first serve, or atleast I think they do it that way… just apply when it opens. You have nothing to lose</p>

<p>Will it affect me in anyway if 3 of the prereqs needed will be completed in spring?</p>

<p>apply early because no matter what you will have to send in your final Spring transcript. Which classes will you be taking this Spring? If you still have a 4.0, and most of the pre-reqs completed like Calc 1/2/3, Phys 1/2, Chem, maybe Diff Eq, than you still could get accepted without whatever you would be taking in the Spring. I’ve seen students get accepted who haven’t even finished phys 2 and calc 2 (taking them in the Spring), but i’m not sure if that was petroleum.</p>

<p>I thought admissions come out before spring semester is even finished (June 5th for my CC)??? I will be taking a geology lab to supplement the basic geology course I am taking in the winter, calc 3, Diff Eq, Chem 2, and Physics 2&3 (its split into 3 4unit courses in California). If I remember correctly Diff. Eq. does not transfer to TAMU. So in reality 6 courses that will be needed.</p>

<p>I will be applying as the fireworks go off for the New Year.</p>

<p>Okay. is SAT needed for transfer students? [Transfer</a> | How to Apply - Office of Admissions | Texas A&M University](<a href=“]Transfer”> It does not say there but I swear I saw it somewhere else…</p>

<p>SAT is not required for transfer students. You apply January 1st. You could get accepted, or you get denied. If you get denied, read the letter and it will tell you to send in your final grades after Spring semester is over (yes after admissions are given). You could send in grades like June 5th or whatever, and not receive an acceptance until late june or even July. Dif eq does not transfer, but will affect your GPA, so do you want to take it? Since youve taken Calc 1/2, Chem 1, and Phys 1, this will help you and might even get you accepted without spring grades, but im not 100% sure how Petroleum works… anyways, you need to apply Jan 1st, and if you get denied, just send in your final spring grades. this happens to MANY spring students so you will not be alone doing this. Applying for the fall is the only time TAMU accepts final transcripts, ex: applying for spring, get denied, doesnt matter how you did in the fall youre denied, but its not like that for fall admissions.</p>

<p>So I can apply January 1st, send my transcript after winter session, then send my spring transcript June 5th~8th. It is strange that they will send out rejections and admittances before they see the spring transcript. What if all the spots in a department are filled by then?</p>

<p>Actually apply once you have fall/winter transcripts and no it’s normal to send in spring transcript and normally there’s spots open for this type of situation.</p>