<p>I'd just like to point out that Ratatat is really awesome. </p>
<p>Particularly "Seventeen Years" particular 1:20-1:35 of "Seventeen Years"</p>
<p>I'd just like to point out that Ratatat is really awesome. </p>
<p>Particularly "Seventeen Years" particular 1:20-1:35 of "Seventeen Years"</p>
<p>^ Um, please, this should be : Particularly Biggie’s verses in Allure, particularly where it picks up in Nostrand, and particularly ALL of Gettysburg. </p>
<p>(Woot! for Ratatat) </p>
<p>This would be epic: You get into Yale, you get into Harvard…(this gets BETTER somehow)</p>
<p>You go to Bulldog Days a day early, see Of Montreal on the 19th. You take a train to Boston, and see Ratatat at House of Blues on 4/20 (Not that you have to get stoned, or anything), and then trip back to New Haven for actual Bulldog days, music-ed out and grungy, but happy.</p>
<p>HoB is 5 minutes away from my house </p>
<p>but I’m not even going to be here when Ratatat comes OR later when Republic Tigers come :(</p>
<p>^GaaaaaH! </p>
<p>Wait, why wouldn’t you be there? (Were you accepted to Yale ED, and you’re going to go to the full BullDog Days?)</p>
<p>Also, DIGABLE PLANETS is going to be at Yale/NH on March 31st…they’re just cool like that.</p>
<p>Digable Planets? You guys make me feel old. And I’m eighteen.</p>
<p>^ I am also 18. </p>
<p>If anything you should feel young, and I should feel weirdly anachronistic in my music tastes - I really only like their stuff from 1995 and back. (Cool like That is THE classic hip hop track…with Can I Kick it It? {A Tribe Called Quest) in close second)</p>
<p>I wasn’t accepted to Yale SCEA because I’m still a junior, the only reason I’d be at BDD would just be to crash (which is always fun, and I mean, I was inadvertently there last year when I went to tour…so why not?)</p>
<p>No, I won’t be here. And why not?! Because! I’m doing the quintessential junior year spring break. COLLEGE TOURS BABBAYYYY. Yes.
So that’s why I won’t be there. How much does that suck? Not quite an ■■■, but it’s getting there. </p>
<p>You inspired me to broaden my Ratatat collection though (because I’m a n00b at liking them, it’s only a 1 week old obsession), and all I had gotten thusfar was Germany to Germany, Lex, and Seventeen Years…so I went out and <em>legally of course…</em> downloaded Classics and now I’m OBSESSED WITH NOSTRAND (and now I also understand what you meant by “where it picks up” because it’s actually just SO good. Today, every time I left class to walk to my next one I’d listen to it (just that part, very good walking through high school life song). I don’t normally do that because it’s kind of rude to close the entire world out with headphones, but I just couldn’t wait to listen to it again. </p>
<p>You don’t even understand…I was like SO close to twitching at the end of the some of my classes because ALL I wanted to do was walk the halls while listening to 1:50+ of Nostrand. a;sdkf;adslfkj Ratatat. Be cooler, I dare them.</p>
<p>^ HOORAY!</p>
<p>Yeah, Ratatat is baller - I like that they’re at once hiphop/altern electro/indierock</p>
<p>Those are essentially 3/6 my favorite genres…lol.</p>
<p>I dunno…I never really went on a college tour (I’m sort of on a MASSIVELY extended tour of a particular ivy right now, because I’m taking classes there)…</p>
<p>What I’m gonna do is after I get accepted to schools, go there for their tours and all, but try to interact as much with the student body as I can…</p>
<p>Also, you might like these guys; The Heights… (Night Relay/Fearless in London/Jaimaca Beer Eyes/For Real are ** * REQUIRED** * listening)</p>
<p>[Toys</a> and Kings – The Heights – Listen free and discover music at Last.fm](<a href=“http://www.last.fm/music/The+Heights/Toys+and+Kings]Toys”>http://www.last.fm/music/The+Heights/Toys+and+Kings)</p>