<p>Hi everyone! As it turns out, my interview date for a very, very good summer internship conflicts with the second midterm for one of my major classes (UC to UC transfer here). Both parties are unwilling to budge with the dates =(. This internship is a greaaaaaaaat opportunity in terms of experience and resume, but skipping this midterm would pretty much mean I have no chance to get a B or above in the course.</p>
<p>Should I just drop the class for a W?
Would, say, UCLA reject me on the basis of dropping this class? (or does anyone think that to be the case)</p>
<p>I've done all the prerequisites available on my campus, and this is assuming that my major is non-impacted. I also still have Spring Quarter that I have yet to start, but this class isn't offered in the Spring.</p>
<p>Aaah, this is so nerve-racking!</p>
What UC are you transferring from? I’m actually from UCR and trying to transfer out. Is it possible to change the time of your interview? I know grades are actually really important for transfers (especially UC to UC) it’s crucial we maintain a higher GPA than CC transfers to give us a little boost since we don’t have priority. You should sit with the professor and try to get him to let you take a make-up exam or take it earlier, then it won’t technically be like you got the answers from anyone else. In my knowledge, I do believe UC’s will take any grade higher than a C-. I would just take it P/NP or take the B. W’s don’t look too good on your transcript, and you will also have to notify each UC about your schedule change.</p>
<p>Hi, thanks for your input!</p>
<p>I’m hoping to transfer out of UCSD, and I’m only really interested in transferring to UCLA - one phone call would not be a very big hassle. The dates are both rigid - the professor has made it clear in his syllabus that under no exception will a make-up be given. It’s too late to switch to P/NP, and even a B would be out of the question. Were it not for the fact that UC transfers keep their GPA, I would be all for settling with the C. Also, it appears that UCLA (at least) sets different acceptance contracts for their admissions, some requiring to have a B or higher in all their classes lest they be smitten by the mighty hand of rescind. I’m not too concerned about not being from a CC specifically, because I’ve read somewhere on Ms. Sun’s blog that UCLA weighs CC and UC applicants equally.</p>
<p>Overall I’m still conflicted, but I suppose I’m marginally inclined to take the W. =(</p>
<p>I guess that is the only choice then
Sorry that your professor isn’t flexible with your test date. Hope things work out. 1 or 2 W’s aren’t that bad, I have one from freshman year. They said 1-2 shouldn’t hurt your chances.</p>
This is a bit of a tangent, but someone in your situation doesn’t come around very often and I think your experience as a UCSD student that wants to transfer to UCLA could help me out.</p>
<p>UCLA and UCSD are my top two choices and neither one has really stood out above the other yet for me to make a decision on where to go. If you don’t mind, I just wanted to ask what’s your reason for transferring out of UCSD, where does it fall short for you? And in what areas do you believe that UCLA will suit you better than UCSD? Also what’s your major?</p>
Personal reasons aside (family, distances, etc), my decision to apply for transfer stems from the fact that LA has a considerably more convenient location and campus. The area is definitely more metropolitan, making it at least that much easier to search for local firms to intern for. That said, I wouldn’t mind staying at SD if it came to that, but as a Statistics major I would definitely have an easier time finding opportunities at LA.</p>
<p>Bottom line: If you’re heading toward engineering or premed or computer science and/or you wouldn’t mind an absurdly large and somewhat disjointed campus, you’d be happy in SD. Otherwise, probably not so much!</p>