To Frat or not to Frat at UA

<p>“Srat”…which is just…stupid, IMHO!</p>

<p>Well I guess an apology is in order. Wow I had no idea frat was considered a derogatory word for a fraternity. I just thought it was a shortened version of the word. I’m very sorry if I offended anyone, certainly not my intention. I have no idea how to delete a thread but if there is a moderator out there maybe that would be best. Again, my apologies </p>

<p>You are not the only one New Gamecock Mom - I searched and searched the thread to find the derogatory term. Finally dawned on me to google ‘frat’. Who knew? Clearly not me. Guess I need to stop calling my three-year old grandson “frat boy!” when he belches after chugging milk. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>^^^^ I’m with both of you… had absolutely NO idea!</p>

<p>Don’t call your fraternity a frat. You wouldn’t call your mother a mutt. There’s another one too crass for me to post.</p>

<p>We used to call it the fassernity. We were usually drunk.</p>

<p>I’m not offended, and many aren’t, but some people are. They can get over it, IMHO. However, calling a sorority member a “sorostitute” DOES offend me. :wink: FYI, there’s a long list of sorority and fraternity names that are butchered as a deliberate insult. I just roll my eyes. Haters gonna hate, yada yada yada</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for understanding
NRDMOM: I also kept looking to see who made the derogatory comment until I realized it must have been me LOL</p>

<p>Chardo: I texted my daughter who was in a sorority at another SEC school to ask her if it was wrong to use the
term and she answered back with what I am sure is the crass saying you alluded too</p>

<p>Southlander: I agree about the “sorostitute”. I was quite surprised and upset when someone called my daughter that. </p>

<p>My son will be a sophomore- (from Alabama) and he pledged Old Row- yes they pledge in the spring but have several OOS students… Alabama is a southern school- there are many groups to join if not doing Greek but it is a great experience and many really like it… I know some OOS parents who say their kids haven’t met a lot of people so think about that-I know that SC has a Greek system and I am sure it is very similar…he is actually headed to TTown now with his mattress to move into his rental house…and visit with some friends…</p>