<p>William and Mary is by far my number one favorite school after visiting MANY, however I hear that their financial aid for OOS is not very good. my parents are on the fence about letting me apply early decision, but they really want to let me because it will increase my chances of being admitted. at the same time, financing school is a big concern for my family.</p>
<p>Does applying ED help a considerable amount for OOS students? I really want to and I have a feeling my parents will let me but I have a sinking feeling that the money part of it isn't going to work out.</p>
<p>Applying ED is helpful to any student. You’re in a pool of approximately 1100 as opposed to a pool of over 13,000. It’s far easier to stand out in the smaller applicant pool (plus our ED pool is relatively low on OOS students – the exact opposite of the regular pool). But if being able to consider financial aid packages is important to your family, ED may not be the right choice.</p>
<p>You can use our Financial Aid office’s net price calculator to get a sense of what aid might be available (we generally meet about 80% of an OOS student’s demonstrated need). This is just an estimate. It’s not binding. But it may help answer some questions.</p>
<p>We’ll do the financial aid calculator. Thank you for the quick and helpful answer! I’m hoping I will be able to apply ED, william and mary is my dream school!</p>
<p>William and Mary is such an incredible school and I regret not applying ED! I’m an OOS kid also and if you love W&M, join the Tribe :)</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice Lexie
I want to so badly, it’s just the financial constraint. At this point I think my parents will let me but my guidance counselor is trying to tell me not to.
Also, what state are you from? Initially I wasn’t sure how I’d feel in the south but when I visited everyone was so friendly and open, especially at William and Mary! Is there a different feel from where you went to high school?</p>
<p>Honestly, as an out of state student, I wouldn’t really recommend applying Early Decision. A friend of mine applied early decision, was accepted, and then realized she couldn’t afford it. Fortunately, this was before financial aid had been given out and she was given more than enough in the end, so she could go without an overwhelming financial burden. But I know she was extremely concerned for the months before the financial aid came out, and in the end, there really isn’t any absolute guarantee you’ll get enough if money is a factor. </p>
<p>Also, and I sincerely hope this doesn’t happen, but a lot can change between the start and end of your senior year. I’m glad you love William and Mary now, but I think there’s something to be said for keeping your options open into April. It’s gonna be a pain when the ED kids get their acceptances first semester and start slacking, but I think you’ll be more confident with your decision if you wait. If you have a strong application, Regular Decision won’t hurt your chances. </p>
<p>To be clear, I love William and Mary so I’m not suggesting doubts will develop between the start and end of your senior year, as you find out more about the school (quite to the contrary you may end up loving it more) but keep your options open.</p>
<p>Also, about it being a southern school… it’s really not. About a third of the school is from NoVA (Northern Virginia) and they practically count as northern. Another third is out of state, many from the north, and the other Virginians are those who decided they didn’t want a more typical southern school like UVA or Richmond. We’ll keep the southern hospitality but ditch the label of traditional south</p>
<p>I really appreciate the thoughtful response! I know things can change but we did the calculator for so many different schools, and W&M gave the best offer out of most all of them. I wish hoping things will work out would be enough, but I guess you can’t really risk it when it comes to paying for college. Ah! i’m just so torn!
I just really want the ED boost, I have a strong application; however, only the very brightest kids from my school have ever gotten in (2 valedictorians, one with a 2360 ect.)</p>
<p>It’s great to hear about the whole “not really a southern school” though
I don’t think i’d mind a southern school, but this mix sounds perfect for me!</p>
<p>I’m from New York, so the transition is HUGE! But everyone is amazing and sweet and welcoming! My school definitely did not have the same kind of community feel that W&M has! :)</p>