To Gold Awardify or Not?

<p>I am a senior Girl Scout member half-working on my Gold Award (highest award where you undertake a community service project and organize 60 hours worth of service. This can include the planning, etc.)</p>

<p>However, there is a lot of busy work involved in order to get to the stage where you can actually complete the project, and it would take a lot out of my schedule to complete the paperwork, etc.</p>

<p>I am planning on conducting a health camp/education seminar for a village in India.</p>

<p>My question is whether completing the camp through the girl scout association would give my work more credibility when writing about it for admissions, etc.</p>

<p>If you are a Girl Scout, it makes sense to connect your community service project to your Gold Award unless it significantly detracts from your other ECs or school. If you can manage it, I think you should. And, to be honest, you’d probably end up doing the same amount of work either way, and the paperwork should help you more fully flesh out the project in your head before you begin work on it.</p>