to raise your score 6-8 points in a month..?

<p>I need to get like 6 or 8 more points on the June ACT..</p>

<p>so I have about a month.. </p>

<p>is it possible to raise your score by like 6 or 8 points in a month?</p>

<p>I'm going to take the one in September too, but I'm getting anixous because </p>

<p>I don't have that many chances left to raise my score..</p>

<p>its very hard- get better at reading and math haha</p>

<p>but just practice practice pracctice- youll at least bump it up 1-3 pts i would say if u keep taking practice tests</p>

<p>It's not easy...... I found the easiest way to raise score is to actually work through your years rigorously
7thgrade=19 for me (eww)
9th grade =29</p>

<p>Depends on your base score, but I think it's possible. My Kaplan practice test score was a 27, and with one week of intensive self-prep (5-6 hours a day for 7 straight days), I managed a 32 in April. Good luck!</p>

<p>i raised mine 6points with one week of solid practice tests. you can do it</p>

<p>curious mind: which book did you use for self-prep for the intensive self-prep?
how much was the Math improvement?</p>