<p>So, this quarter (my first quarter) did not go as well as I had planned. I'll admit that it's basically my own fault; I went out too much and studied too little and ended up not doing nearly as well as I could have. I ended up with a 2.9 GPA for the quarter.
In Classics I got a B+, in my Soc Gen class I got a B+, and (this is the bad part) in Calc I got a C-.
At my school, you can retake any grade that is a C- or below, so my question is whether or not I should retake.
These are the factors I'm dealing with:
1. The reason I did so horribly was partly due to my HORRIBLE professor. It was his first class ever and I literally couldn't understand a word he said due to his strong accent, and the tutoring hours ware ALWAYS during my work shifts. -_-
2. The only class open for next quarter has an absolutely horrible prof as well, according to friends/ratemyprofessor. I would just wait until Spring but I don't think it's wise to wait that long because the math series is a prereq for a lot of my major requirements.
3. I'm registered for the next class in the series (Integration and Infinite Series) and it's the last math class I need to take.</p>
<p>I'm aiming for a top law school with a dual MBA program (Columbia is my absolute, ultimate dream), so I know GPA is CRUCIAL.</p>
<p>*Sorry for the scatterbrainedness of this post - it's winter break and I've basically been nonstop going and not sleeping so I'm pretty dead. ;)</p>
<p>You need to retake it. Always retake a class you did horrible in. I’m sorry, but you have no choice in the matter. You will have to take the class with the horrible professor. This time don’t go out as much and put some effort into the class.</p>
<p>I have seen students struggle through Calc I, be ecstatic that they squeaked by with a C- (or a C/D/whatever) in the course, try to take Calc II (Integration and Infinite Series) and fail fairly badly. Calc II is one of those courses that builds heavily on Calc I, and if you don’t really understand derivatives, good luck with integrals. If your Calc I class briefly covered integrals, Calc II is going to be integrals on steriods, so you need to have an absolute solid grasp of the material.</p>
<p>Even if you’re taking it with a less-than-stellar professor, take the time to retake Calc I and seek outside help and really understand the material. If you don’t retake it, not only will you have a C- in Calc I, but I’d be willing to bet you fail out or get a D in Calc II, not because it’s you, but because that is the nature of the calculus sequence.</p>
<p>It’s kind of interesting though because I had an 85 going into the finals and actually felt decently prepared, but the test was literally almost entirely proofs and theorems, so I’m not sure how heavily that plays into Calc II.</p>
<p>I say this as a math teacher: if you take Calc II with a C- understanding of Calc I, you will crash and burn. Retake differential calculus.</p>
<p>So true.</p>
<p>Meh, looks like I’m retaking calc…
OK, thanks guys!</p>
<p>If you’re retaking Calc this time, I would strongly urge that you find some way to use some of the resources your campus provides. If you are unable to make tutoring hours, try office hours. Try emailing the prof. I had a Czech physics prof who was a horrible lecturer in class but was fantastically helpful in office hours and over email. If you can’t make office hours, try to form a study group with other students in your class, maybe some who are in the same boat as you and who can’t make tutoring hours. Do something, and be proactive about seeking help and studying. Good luck! (:</p>
<p>Note, however, that law school admissions will include both grades of a repeated course, regardless of whether your undergraduate school allows the second grade to replace the first one.</p>
<p>If you’re going to retake it, definitely do it now!! I did very well in Calc in high school, and after a break this semester, i was pondering on taking it for next semester. After I flipped through my old notes and realized I don’t remember A THING, I regret that I waited. Keep it fresh in your mind!! And good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah, I actually took calc junior year of high school and got an A, so I don’t really know why I suddenly was mathematically stupid this quarter…probably just not fresh in my mind, like you said.
Thanks for all of your help and well wishes! :D</p>