To Send Or Not To Send (1 great Subj Test & 1 bad Subj Test)

<p>I have a few schools that do not require SAT II's but I took 2 of them.</p>

<p>One I did really well in (Math Lvl 1: 730) and one really bad in (Biology: 530) [yeah, i suck BAD. I thought my bio class and PR's book would help me do better.. please dont comment :( )</p>

<p>Sadly I can not send only 1 of the scores because I took them on one test day.
I am taking the Reasoning test again in January so i cant retake Bio.</p>

<p>Should I or should i not send my score to colleges who dont require it?
My Bio scores are pathetic, but then again my math scores are good.....
Give me your opinion</p>

<p>Do these schools require your SAT I? Because if they do, you don’t have a choice; you have to send all of them. If not, I suggest you don’t send them.</p>

<p>Yeah, when you send your SAT I scores out, your SAT II scores follow them.</p>

<p>I second the suggestion not to submit the scores if not required.</p>