To send or not to send? (SAT v. ACT)

<p>Hi everyone!
I recently had the luck to get a 36 composite on my ACT (with a terrible essay score-6), and my highest SAT breakdown is m-780, cr-750, w-740 (again, bad essay >.<), for a total of 2270. I'm applying to a couple of amazing schools up north, including Columbia (SEAS ED), Princeton, UPenn, and Yale, in addition to CalTech and Northwestern. However, I've heard that some schools prefer the SAT to the ACT, and now I'm wondering if it would hurt/help to send my SATs in addition to my ACTs.
Thank you so much for your input! :)</p>

<p>Dude, 36 on ACT is perfect, any college will see that and say “wow.”</p>

<p>Some schools have historically preferred the SAT to the ACT but nowadays most schools state that the SAT and ACT are treated equally in the admissions process. Send the ACT since that is higher than your SAT score overall.</p>

<p>If they accept the ACT, send the ACT. No reason to send both.</p>