<p>I already sent my scores for UC's and USC</p>
<p>ACT: 32
SAT 1: 2050</p>
<p>However, I took the December SAT I and now my superscore is 2120.</p>
<p>Should I resend?</p>
<p>I already sent my scores for UC's and USC</p>
<p>ACT: 32
SAT 1: 2050</p>
<p>However, I took the December SAT I and now my superscore is 2120.</p>
<p>Should I resend?</p>
<p>Can someone help me out with this one too?
I got a 700CR, 720M, 720W in October for a total of 2140.
I sent my scores to all of the UCs already.</p>
<p>I took the December SAT without any prior prep as a standby and got 660CR, 710M, 790W for a total of 2160. </p>
<p>Should I resend my scores so they get the 2160? Or is it not worth it cause my CR+M went down although my overall score went up slightly?</p>
The UCs do not superscore.</p>
<p>pineappleexpress: The ACT was good enough. Can you break down the decrease and increase for each section, that would help.</p>
<p>Shiomi: I would say the first score was better since its a rather well-rounded statistic. So no, I personally wouldn’t send the second score.</p>
CR: 680
Math: 680
W: 760</p>
E: 32
M: 32
R: 34
S: 31</p>
<p>i took my sats in june and got
650 r, 640 m, 710 w 1290/2000</p>
<p>i took them in dec and got
640 r, 670 m, 660 w 1310/1970</p>
<p>660 is the 25% for most of my schools in math so i want to send my new scores but it was also my third time taking it and i went down in the other sections</p>
<p>pineappleexpress: Once again, I would like a break down for the most recent SAT and the one you took a while ago.</p>
<p>GossipGirl17: I would say it depends what school you’re applying to. For example, an engineering school would prefer higher math whereas for English it doesn’t matter that much. So i really can’t answer yet.</p>
<p>im not applying for engineering or anything prob poly sci or internation relations but my scores r pretty low for most of the schools im applying to like lehigh, bucknell, cornell, emory, vandy</p>
<p>You’re scores are not really competitive for those schools you listed. I think I would still send the new scores since you improved in math.</p>