<p>I just wonder, in countries where using deodorant is not a part of their culture, is it ok to stink? Are they aware that they stink? What will you do if your friend who stinks refuse to wear deodorant? Will you just bear it?</p>
<p>they don’t stink as much as those in countries who use deodorant</p>
<p>I think anyone would appreciate a friendly reminder. If I have spinach between my teeth I would appreciate my friend telling me so I can remove it. Same goes for my breath or body odor (I sure hope someone would tell me if I have these). Finding the right occasion to tell someone that they stink without hurting their feelings is tricky. I think the best time is before you two go to a social event. Just say “hey put on some deodorant since we’ll be dancing all night and we’ll sweat alot” and if they deny being stinky then tell them “last time we both sweat a lot and we both stink.” Sacrifice yourself to save your friend from humiliation is ok sometimes.</p>
<p>hahah it’s kinda hard to bring it up though!
one of my friends had really bad b.o. and a lot of people used to make fun of her behind her back especially since she wasnt considered one of the cool kids -.-;;
so like, her bf ended up buying her deodorant for christmas or something…
horrible but it worked! D:</p>
<p>wow, deodorant for a xmas present?</p>
<p>that reminds me of the time a girl brought me a box of tissues for a secret santa because i constantly was blowing my nose in school because of a stuffy nose.</p>
<p>put it in her butt</p>