To take or not to take 18.03

<p>Hi guys. I'm just polluting the thread to throw in the comment that I will be takng 18.03 spring semester, unless my advisor really thinks its a bad idea and won't let me or something. I wil also be taking 18.02 at the same time, but that's only because prereqs are the devil and screwed up my plan. Rar. If you guys take it, maybe I'll figure out who you all are in real life. =)</p>

<p>Cool! I have another friend who's doing the same, and I must say that you're braver than me. Or maybe I'm lazy. Anyway, doubling a math is someting I must respect, even if I think you're slightly mad :)</p>

<p>Usually it's 4 classes. First semester firstyears are only allowed to register for 4.75 units max (labs are .25 units). But second semester we're allowed to register for 5.75 units. However, we're allowed to take 2 MIT classes. And the registration is paperwork, not online. So that's why I don't know about ECON102. It's sort of like a glitch... or not... I don't know yet.</p>

<p>It took me 3 hours to work out a perfect schedule, but everything fits. I'm doing 14.01 instead of ECON101 just because Wellesley runs on off-hour schedules: 9:40 - 10:50 ... 11:10 - 12:20... etc are official class times and 18.03 mess a lot of my other options up. </p>

<p>I thought doubling up in ECON wouldn't be too bad especially for intro since it's a pset class but there's not much math needed, no papers (which take soo long... much longer than psets in my opinion... my writing class right now has 5 page papers due every week, and its a pain/stress every week... i literally spend like 20 hours/week) and mostly common sense. </p>

<p>right now math takes up like 10 hours / month. so i thought... if i'm doubling up in math... and actually put some effort into it... it wouldnt be too bad. </p>

<p>I probably will end up not taking ECON102</p>