<p>I took the SATs in December and did not do too great. I didn't even pass the 700 mark for any of them. I registered for the one tomm.
I have the Collegeboard exam from October and just finished it. My score hasn't really improved much. Math: 630, CR: 620, Writing about 660. I hate it. I really don't want to get a score like that on the real one.
So, should I go and take the test tomm or not?</p>
<p>If you're doubtful, just put it off until June to give you more time to study (if you will). There will be a cost, though, to reschedule.</p>
<p>How much have you done to prep for this test. Maybe a prep class would be a good idea.</p>
<p>take it, and see how you do, you can also cancel your scores</p>
<p>How can one cancel his score if he didn't pick up a cancellation form at the testing center?</p>