To Those Still Waiting...

<p>2000 SAT, 4.2 w, 4.0 uw, only lived in America and spoken English for 7 years, vball captain for 2 years, 2 roles as local professional theatre actress, elected and appointed stud. gov positions...still nothing. </p>

<p>Quite anxious.</p>

<p>Meh. I'm still waiting.</p>

<p>My stats: 1860 SAT, 4.1 GPA (w), editor-in-chief of school newspaper, two internships. </p>

<p>Yeah I have a pretty damn low SAT score compared to everyone else, yet I still got accepted to UCLA. I'll probably end up at LA but I'm still anxious to hear from USC. </p>

<p>UCLA's harder to get into right?</p>

<p>No way. They're equally hard to get into. USC might be even a little harder to get into than UCLA.</p>

<p>In 2005:
UCLA had a 26.90% admit rate.
USC had a 26.58% admit rate.</p>

<p>The 2005</a> USC Freshman Profile rounds the admit rate to 27%. If you do the math and round to two decimal places, it's 26.58%. 2005</a> UCLA Freshman Profile.</p>


who cares i heart ucla."</p>

<p>My sentiments exactly.</p>

<p>The mailman just came and my USC decision has STILL YET TO COME. </p>

<p>What the heck?!!</p>

<p>My niece says kids at her HS are still waiting to hear from USC too, as are kids at the HS my kids attend. Don't understand why things are so slow getting out to applicants.</p>

<p>No mail for me today either. USC looks very unprofessional taking forever to get these decisions out.</p>

<p>Rejected today. Finally. You know, I think not knowing was worse than knowing actually. I'm okay with it.</p>

<p>"No mail for me today either. USC looks very unprofessional taking forever to get these decisions out."</p>

<p>Definitely, every other school I applied to got their decisions out to me a lot earlier than their deadline, aside from UCB who at least met their deadline. USC:Applications must be postmarked by Jan 1. and decisions will be made when we feel like it (we have an office-wide scramble tournament scheduled in March so don't expect anything anytime soon)</p>

<p>so if the mail came today but no USC letter. does that mean your probably admitted??????</p>

<p>I'm going to go with the opposite. I can't log into explore or RSVP. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I was rejected. Or accepted Spring Semester, which would really **** me off, because it sounds like possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard.</p>

<p>Another day after April 1st, another day withOUT a decision. (I live in Nevada, which is pretty close relatively speaking)</p>