To those who applied...

<p>Have you guys received anything in the mail yet? I got my decision online (accepted!) but am waiting for the "official packet". Anyone get anything?</p>

<p>nope, haven't gotten anything
Don't worry, it'll come soon depending where you live
congrats! (I got in too)</p>

<p>same here i haven's receieved anything either so far...</p>

<p>i got the letter in the mail today.
it's basically a printout of what you see online. 2 sheets: one the exact admission decision letter, the other regarding your provisional acceptance contract</p>

<p>No letter SIR in the packet?</p>

<p>I only got one from Davis, and it's a pretty skimpy thing with the same letter and a pamphlet inside. Do the UC's even send a big packet?</p>

<p>i want goodies!</p>

<p>both my brother and i got ours yesterday</p>

<p>UCs (except berkeley) barely send anything, it's pretty sad :(</p>

<p>yeah i want a nice colorful printout... i think ill go to whichever school that sends me the prettiest package. LOL it kinda makes u're just a number in a factory.</p>

<p>westow, that would mean you're USC bound. or among UC's, berkeley bound.</p>

<p>imagine if UCLA had to send 9000-10000 viewbooks and stuff like that. that'd cost so much money.</p>

<p>Yeah I just got my ucla letter today. It's printed on plain white 25% cotton recylcable paper... at least I coulda wished for 100% cotton o well. and of course the signature is electronically prinited =/ </p>

<p>I guess I'm just a number</p>

<p>i got one today!</p>

<p>Got one today as well...and SIR is strictly online I guess.</p>

<p>UCR sends packets out.</p>

<p>Though it's flattering to have nice letters, pamphlets, etc, my decision will be based on academics, location, and financial aid (or lack thereof).</p>

<p>The private schools recruit like crazy...since my acceptance into Georgetown, I've gotten letters from the Dean of the College (of Arts and Sciences), Dean of Admissions, President, Vice President, Head of the Gov Dept, and on and on spouting how wonderful Georgetown is. It's kinda funny how hard they're marketing.</p>

<p>I got one today. They can afford to get better paper than that. Lol.</p>

<p>eiffelguy87, I didn't apply to Georgetown but I guess they really want you! lol. So, where would you go now? I'm assuming you live in Cali so UCLA must be a lot cheapter than privates eh?</p>

<p>just got the letter :)</p>

<p>lol Valerialama, u crack me up</p>

<p>25% cotton recyclable paper Go! Go! Go!
UCLA Fight fight fight!</p>

<p>Westow, I would love to go to Stanford if I'm accepted but should I be rejected, UCLA is more than comparable. :cool:</p>

<p>USC gave me lots of colorful stuff, maybe a little too much. They keep on sending paper and cluttering my desk. I like UCLA's succinctness. But a packet wouldn't hurt.</p>