To what extend do colleges expect their students to do extracurriculars?

<p>*I was in the student advisory council for my department. We met once a month for two hours for free pizza and discuss how other students felt about classes and give professors teaching those classes feedback.</p>

<p>Other than that, I hung out with friends, played video games with friends, and surfed the internet with my free time.*</p>

<p>Well, if meeting once a month for two hours is all there is to some college ECs, and if participating in those ECs is sufficient to make the point that you are apt to hold a job and get along with people, it's a shame that I never felt like doing that type of ECs.</p>

What are you doing NOW to get yourself on the road to whatever is your goal? You've done an adequate job of analyzing mistakes in your past but that's all in the rearview mirror.</p>

<p>Pick a goal. Then work backwards to determine each of the steps you need to take to get there. And then take those steps. No one is in your way but you.


<p>I agree. It's time to move on.</p>

<p>I am not so sure they "expect" you to do EC's. However the culture at different schools varies with respect to this sort of thing. Big state school may not expect much for most, on the other hand a small LAC may have that culture. In the end the choice is yours.</p>