Today someone called me a ghetto wannabe...

<p>, should I be offended by this? LMAO.</p>

<p>I just over heard this one girl say that to her friend today...haha.</p>

<p>It probably could have been because i was wearing Nike HI-tops & shorts...idk.</p>

<p>hahaha =) </p>

<p>you should be glad this girl cares enough to attempt insulting/humiliating you.</p>

<p>^ hahahaha yeahh! i agree with u</p>

<p>Some people are just so bored they feel they have to start something. haha.</p>

<p>OH HELL NAW. Them fighting words right there.</p>

<p>Realistically, when they care enough to insult you, it’s a good sign.</p>

<p>did you yell at a movie or something?</p>

<p>I don’t see how Nike hi-tops and shorts would make you ghetto.</p>

<p>^If you live in Minnesota and your name is not on one of these lists and you’re a URM, chances are they consider you ghetto:
[Minnesota</a> Vikings | Player Roster](<a href=“]Minnesota”>
[Minnesota</a> Timberwolves Roster - NBA Basketball - ESPN](<a href=“]Minnesota”>
[Active</a> Roster | Team](<a href=“]Active”></p>

<p>Oh thanks sophomore Matt from North Carolina. I’m sure you’re really knowledgeable about Minnesota culture. Thanks for telling everyone like it is <em>rolls eyes</em>.</p>

<p>Who would want to live in a ghetto?</p>

<p>^^ Don’t take it personally, we like to make fun of Minnesota in the South. :P</p>

<p>Minnesoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooota. <em>in a minnesotan accent</em></p>

<p>I ****ing hate this state…■■■.</p>

<p>What you do is tell “her” that she’s a wannabe girl.
You can see that mustache she’s sprouting and the lump in her jeans. Trannies are so irritable; luckily RuPaul is holding a spot for her on Drag Race and perhaps she can get some tips on looking less like the Marlboro man.</p>

<p>^LOL!!! :o</p>

<p>^^ do that!</p>

<p>LOl @ MattNC: I hate the vikings colors (purple & yellow–ew. & their logo; the team is okay? i dont know too much about it…not into sports…but i see guys wearing viking jerseys all the time hhaha)…I like the twins though :] Joe Maeur <3 (he got a hugh ass contract…$$$).</p>

<p>The timberwolves kinda suck…i think.</p>

<p>and LMAO @ PlattsburghLoser: harsh!</p>

<p>heh, we stole your lakers</p>

Well if you haven’t realized it yet, EVERYONE makes fun of “the sticks.” IDK where you actually are but I assume like Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, something like that and honestly those states are a fking joke.</p>

<p>^You stole the Lakers in the 50’s, we’ve gotten over it by now even though the name only makes sense in Minnesota.</p>


Hey, you’re welcome, care to touch on North Carolina for a little bit?</p>

<p>No, and that’s why I didn’t try, unlike you.</p>