<p>I think I messed up bad. Okay so when I was registering for my TOEFL exams, I forgot to list the names of the 4 colleges, that I was supposed to choose for sending my free score reports. I realized this a few hrs later; but by that time it was too late. so instead I sent additional score reports to two of my colleges (Note: this was before I took the test). </p>
<p>Okay now the results r out, and I sent the score to the rest of my colleges (not those 2 of course). So it has been two days, and those 2 colleges have not received my TOEFL score yet. The worst part is when I log into my TOEFL account and check the status of the order (the first one that is), it says that it has been delivered way before I even took my test. So now what? Wont those two colleges receive my scores? Do I have to send my TOEFL scores again to those 2 colleges? Did I just waste 34 bucks for nuthin'? =/</p>
colleges use a few days to register scores/transcripts etc… for example. One of the schools I have applied to recieved my transcripts(by mail) on the 2/2, but it wasn’t in their system until yesterday! (8 february) so give it a couple more days.</p>
<p>2) If the money for the additional test scores has been taken out of your account, contact ETS and find out what’s going on. (I have also ordered additional test scores to be sent to U of Alabama) If they tell you that it has been sent, wait until tomorrow/thursday. Don’t know where you’re located, but my time difference is 7 hours from the states so I always give it an extra day since they’re stuck in “the past” ;)</p>
<p>3) Check your first order. I had ordered the scores to my 2 main schools at the time of registering, but when I checked the order a week before my test they weren’t registered! But they are in now after I ordered again
Maybe the order didn’t go through, in which case you will have to speak to ETS and ask if you could get those scores for the original schools (for free preferably) </p>
<p>Good luck! </p>
<p>BTW… how did you score if you don’t mind me asking? Was it paper based or internet based?</p>
<p>wait, u ordered again? well I could do that by I dont wanna waste 34 bucks again o__O
I guess I’m gonna have to wait a few more days and see what happens next.
Hmmm yeah they did take the money out of my account cuz they were additional reports (not the 4 free score reports since I made those orders a few hrs after registering).</p>
<p>I didnt contact the ETS cuz they are usually slow with their response. I once did ask them a question a month ago, and I still didnt get any reply. So why bother again?</p>
<p>I took the IBT test, and I sent the scores online. Well actually my scores were out on the 7th of february. Maybe I should be more patient!
what abt urs? IBT or PBT?</p>
<p>IbT… get my results this coming weekend, but in my case they are just a formality as English is my native language. Since I have not done high school in the US I have to take the TOEFL. Easier than the SAT which in my case is not required
LOL I got off cheap</p>
<p>I re-ordered them yes (before I took the exam so I did not need to pay again). So how did your exam go?</p>
<p>so u took both SAT and TOEFL (even though english is ur native language)?</p>
<p>Oh by the way, do u think my two colleges will receive my TOEFL scores? </p>
<p>It was okay, I got 107…how much do u expect?</p>
<p>No I just took the TOEFL as it is a lot easier than the SAT (I could choose). I guess I am expecting over a 105… If not I will be very disappointed !
<p>If the order is in I think the colleges will get your score.</p>
<p>Congrats on your score btw! :)</p>
<p>U know, if u had taken ur SAT that could have raised ur chances for admissions, but well of course that depends on the type of college u applied. Which colleges did u apply to?</p>
<p>well since english is ur native language, u’ll be fine :)</p>
<p>thanks, though I wish I studied more and procrastinated less, then I could have scored higher :S</p>
<p>Mostly southern colleges because I am tired of the weather. LoL. I applied to LSU, University of Houston, Florida state, and the university of Alabama. They all offer a major in advertising and/or Public relations which is what I am going for, with a minor in marketing strategy or similar.</p>
<p>My HS GPA was a 3.6-3.7 and first semester of college was 3.1 so I am not that worried as most of these schools are not that competitive. Apart from maybe Florida state and LSU. But at least at LSU I have the advantage of being the only applicant from my country. :)</p>
<p>what schools did u apply to?</p>
<p>So ur a transfer student?
Anyway good luck :)</p>
<p>Since I’m an international student requiring a lot of financial aid, I had to apply to private universities (the ones that offer generous aid of course).
I applied to university of Richmond, Dickinson, Gettysburg, Wooster, Rhodes College, and Trinity university for business program; and to DePauw for communications program.</p>
<p>As for my stats, well they are okay but I’m definitely not the most competitive one among the bunch.</p>
<p>Technicallly I’m a transfer student, but if accepted to more than one uni, I will attend the one that transfers the most credits as I would hate to do my freshman year all over. </p>
<p>Thank you, and good luck to you too! Keep me informed on what happens with your scores!
min will be coming out this weekend… and just got an e-mail from LSU(from “my” caseworker) saying that she was waiting for my TOEFL befor she could get going with my admission… wonder if that means I’m in? hmmmmm! Exciting!</p>
<p>Yeah my two colleges didnt receive my score yet. Darn! =/
I emailed ETS; I don’t really see any other option!</p>
<p>Yeah I hate to burst the bubble, but I don’t think so. As far as I know, your entire application is needed to be complete in order to have it reviewed. So are your scores out yet?
When did you sit for the TOEFL test? 31st Jan?</p>
<p>yeah I know… but I’m allowed to dream 
I sat on the 30th of january… they should be out tomorrow. Weird that they haven’t recieved anything. CALL ETS! Don’t e-mail 'cause you’ll never get a reply… btw… I applied to bama and mizzou but do not need to give my TOEFL score (just an added bonus) WEIRD how the colleges differentiate.</p>