<p>hey, well if you are not from us and from a non-english speaking country....you have to take regardless of your fluency in it as most colleges require you to take it (although all the colleges have different requirements, you can find that out by contacting the respective colleges) .. but go ahead and take it..its easy, you just have to score above 250..but yeah its quite expensive :(</p>
<p>the test costs $140
if you are not an american citizen, some colleges will want/require you to take the toefl exam.
i would recommend you to take it if you want to have a wider selection of colleges.
Also, the IBT, which will also test your speaking skills, will make its debut on September in US.(that means no CBT toefl!!)
July and August are your last chances to take the CBT toefl.
go to <a href="http://www.toefl.com%5B/url%5D">www.toefl.com</a></p>
<p>Toelf is like a mandatory exam for you. The best part is, fluency is good enough to ensure a good score..cuz all the test tests is whether you wil be able to understand and communicate welll in english.</p>
<p>oh, and is test prep really necessary or is it possible to just take the test and score well??</p>
<p>btw, i checked the TOEFL policies of several schools and learned that u can sometimes b exempted from sending scores under certain conditions. here r a couple of examples:</p>
<p>amherst - over 700 on the SAT (verbal and writing)
u've been taught primarily in english for the past 4 yrs
williams - u took the SAT</p>
<p>should i send TOEFL scores to schools like these just 2 b safe??</p>
<p>Its always a good idea to get familiar with any test before appearing for it...You could go thru a few sample tests. </p>
<p>ah you know personally, i'd rather be on the safer side by sending those TOEFL scores. No harm sending em (esp if you SAT V/W is below 700 ; even if the uni doesnt ask for it )</p>