This seems to be a sticky wicket. What happens with native speakers who grow up in a foreign country. The language in the house is English and they are completely native speakers but their schooling is in Hebrew. SAT scores wavering 580-600 on the English section. Do they need to do the TOEFL?
The answer will vary depending on the college in question. The only 100% surefire method for finding out this info is to contact the colleges.
Emailing is the best method. Make sure it’s an actual admission officer, not a graduate student or anyone who’s not an admission officer. Sometimes inexperience staff members can give you a wrong answer
Typically, if your schooling isn’t in English, yes you need to take the TOEFL, but as mentioned above, the only sure-fire way to know is to email each school. Note that just because one university says one thing, doesn’t mean the others will agree. Each school is different.