<p>Yet another reversal, this one in my favor for a change:</p>
<p>Congratulations, Youdon’tsay! Were you one of the 100,000 who compained? </p>
<p>YDS and I bought into Texas’s guaranteed tuition fund, only to receive recent notices that they had chaged the rules on refunds. It probably wouldn’t have affected my daughter, but YDS’s son could be receiving a huge scholarship, meaning YDS could lose the interest (or the principle in some instances) earned all those years. Did I explain that right?</p>
<p>Due to all the complaints, the fundholders are still eligible to claim all their money.</p>
<p>Yep, I complained. Someone commenting on that story, though, already pulled out the money based on the earlier decision and was charged more than $1K for doing so! This is going to be a mess.</p>