<p>Last week, Republican Tom Tancredo was asked to speak at the UNC campus regarding his opinions on immigration. Instead of allowing him to talk, students heckeled and protested Tancredo, accusing him of racism and not allowing him to speak. In addition, students were ENCOURAGED BY TEACHERS to heckle Tancredo. Now, as a self proclaimed liberal, im not saying I agree with tancredo's stance. However, I highly object to the actions of these people, who advocate tolerance and openmindedness and then forbid a man the right to his freedom of speech. In addition, I do not see how anything Tancredo says promotes racism. He merely wants to preserve our culture. Tancredo is right when he says that we have developed an extreme sense of political correctness which disregards OUR OWN CULTURE. (Please listen to what he has to say before you comment about this.) basically, my question is, how can students preach tolerance and then disregard someone else's opinion. I guess they mean they are tolerant of you IF you agree with them. </p>
<p>YouTube</a> - Tancredo Speech at UNC-CH Axed by Rabble Rousers (2 of 3) heres a video of the incident</p>
<p>“I guess they mean they are tolerant of you IF you agree with them”</p>
<p>This, precisely.</p>
<p>A few days ago they invited another conservative speaker and the same thing happened.</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - Virgil Goode UNC Speech](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yE55oNe3IE]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yE55oNe3IE)</p>
<p>jesus christ</p>
<p>Ah, but now it is you who is stereotyping ;)</p>
<p>^ he’s not stereotyping, he’s not saying “all liberals ____” just something he’s observed. And I’ve noticed the same thing, to be honest. In a school like NYU, chock full of liberals - and not your normal American liberals, but left wing nuts - I’ve noticed this stance frequently as well.</p>
<p>i’m indepedent, but the more I study economics, the more I find myself leaning toward libertarian ideals. If people ask me, usually i’ll say I don’t belong to a party, but a couple times i’ve pretended to be a libertarian and i get a lot of funny looks and occasionally a disparaging comment.</p>
<p>I don’t know anything about Tancredo, so i can’t say whether or not it was right he was shut down…I don’t know if he was racist.</p>
<p>Sure, you could see it as him making an observation, or you could see it as him making a false conclusion that being liberal has anything to do with acting like a intolerant pig. It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that they are liberal, but that they are bigots. There are bigots across all ideaologies. To say you see intolerance emitted from one group more than another is an inference based on nothing.</p>
<p>Either that, or he just made an observation, whatever the case, I feel like arguing, so…</p>
<p>If people come at politics with an open mind, I’m confident that they will usually lean towards libertarianism. After all, what’s not appealing about freedom :)</p>
hmm why dontcha ask the politicians and lawmakers, both liberal and conservative…one group believes in small government while restricting personal freedom, the other wants personal freedom but big government in everything else!
<p>I suck with politics, because I like to be openminded and consider everyone’s point of view; I understand where the liberals are coming from, the conservatives, the libertarians, the centrists…but on the other hand, deep inside I realize politics is mostly BS so it’s nothing to get too worked up about. I only hate extremists who refuse to consider another point of view.</p>
<p>[Austrian</a> School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austrian_School]Austrian”>Austrian school of economics - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>Read the section about inflation. You now know the real economic problem America is currently facing. </p>
<p>Now, try to tell me differently when I say that all evil in the world is exhaled out of Chairman Bernanke’s Big Freakin’ Nose.</p>
<p>Mostly they just believe in making themselves and their friends money, and getting re-elected. Take a look at the guy from PA… he wasn’t going to win the primary, so he just changed parties, but he still has exactly the same views. The worst part is, different people will vote for or against him b/c he now has a “D” next to his name instead of an “R”, even though none of his political stances changed.</p>
<p>“The worst part is, different people will vote for or against him b/c he now has a “D” next to his name instead of an “R”, even though none of his political stances changed.”</p>
<p>I was just talking about that phenomena in another thread- </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/707022-college-republicans-2.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/707022-college-republicans-2.html</a></p>
<p>@soccer - good example…like i said, it’s a lot of BS and talk. Not that there aren’t politicians I like, but you know how it is. It’s a business like any other, they’re selling the service of ideas and promises and brand names like “republican” and “democrat” in exchange for money. </p>
<p>ronpaul, I am kind of/sort of an Econ major every other week so I get that…but still, it’s a bit of an exaggeration about Bernanke
I’ll admit i’m not as well informed as others here about politics/econ so I’ll stay out of it if this turns into a politics discussion. I imagine LogicWarrior will be here any second to ramble about liberal ideologies Lol. I don’t think i’ll ever have a political party. I know what I personally believe, and I’ll just pick the guy who’s closest to that that particular year.</p>
<p>“but still, it’s a bit of an exaggeration about Bernanke”</p>
<p>No, no, no - it’s an actual biological phenomenon. Bernanke inhales the soul of every hard working American, then, although it is not known how the actual process proceeds, his body converts the souls into pure evil. After the conversion takes place, Bernanke exhales the evil and pollutes the economic atmoshpere…</p>
<p>Sorry, got carried away there…</p>
<p>The problem with politics in the US is the two party system. The two party system drives the candidates into extreme binary positions which really don’t represent the more centrist position of most Americans. The two parties, of course, have basically lawed the two party system in place, at this point, and it is a stranglehold that cannot be broken. So, during the primaries, the nutjob whackos from both parties come out and “ACCUSE” the democratic moderates of all sorts of rational thinking, as if it were a crime, and the republican moderates are accused of all sorts of humane open-mindedness, as if this were a crime against nature, and we are left with THE most extremists members of the parties as canididates. An example: The republican’s actually accuse John McCain of being liberal? On what planet. Obama, a socialist, was presented as a moderate dem? On what continent? Not ours. These are just the presidential candidates. </p>
<p>I agree with Ron Paul, Freedom, of ALL kinds, is good. But politicians, of either party, just want power and your money. They don’t want you to be free.</p>
<p>“I imagine LogicWarrior will be here any second to ramble about liberal ideologies Lol.”</p>
<p>You know if it weren’t 1:30 am, he would be.</p>
<p>And they do have a party for people like you; it’s called the Independent Party ;)</p>
<p>No. I’m a libertarian. But, the way the laws work, now, it’s a futile position. I stand by it, though. Better futile than bought and sold.</p>
<p>Ummm… I was actually speaking to Molly when I made the comment about the Independent Party. Glad to hear you are a libertarian, though :)</p>
<p>Maybe they were the same, from a certain perspective…But, I honestly don’t think McCain is a socialist, though I suppose that grandstanding vote in the senate for Paulson’s treasury plummet was pretty bad. I really don’t believe Obama has any interest in what other people do with their personal lives, either, and I think McCain would have nominated just incredibly restrictive judges to the supreme court–this does more to impinge on our personal freedoms than most people realize. Small differences, but in very extreme positions.</p>
<p>Whoops, I edited that part out. Sorry for making you look like a crazy person…</p>
<p>I guess it all depends on personal point of view. I’d elaborate, but it’s 2 am…</p>
<p>Uh guys, tolerance is allowing you the legal right to speak, but I should every right to shout you down for ridiculous ideas.</p>
<p>Free market of ideas. The best ideas win.</p>
<p>Criticism and slamming of bad ideas is vital for the progression of society. So while people should be legally free to make them, people should also be legally free to slam them.</p>