Tone question in CR...

<p>After taking a few tests, I figured out I messed up mostly on tone questions and questions that demands a synonym for a word in context (CR sections).
I wondered how do you guys do when you encounter a question where the choices have only 1 word:
blahblahblahblah (question)
A: 1 word
B: another word
C: 1 word answer
D: 1 word answer
E: 1 word answer</p>

<p>Anyone can share their strategies? Thanks.</p>

<p>Well. The authors tone will NEVER be indifferent or apathetic because otherwise the author wouldn't write about the topic.</p>

<p>Oh, and also try to avoid ones that are extreme. Like Extremely Outraged..</p>

<p>be careful with rules like that. the answer is often pretty extreme--see number 13 on page 485, in which the answer choices are</p>


<p>and the answer is scornful.</p>

<p>sorry--on page 485 of the blue book.</p>

<p>ok. Thanks xitammarg. What do you suggest for those though?</p>

<p>Pay attention to word selection. Often the author's choice of words reflect his/her attitude towards the topic.</p>

<p>Always eliminate answers that are too intense. If the answers are offensive (such as "the author defames the country of Ireland for being alcoholics"), you can sure as hell eliminate that one, because the CB doesn't want to provoke a lawsuit :)</p>

<p>Thanks everyone.</p>