Tons of questions

<p>Hello! I think my DD has finally decided on UA for fall 2012. We have not paid our deposit but plan to this weekend. I have a ton of questions if anyone is willing to help me out.</p>

<li><p>She want honors housing, either RC or RV. Do we have a chance of getting in either if we pay deposit this weeknd? She has meet some people online that are potential roommates you could “pull her in” I think. How would that work?</p></li>
<li><p>We live far away and money is an issue. Is BB honors any advantage over regular BB? Financially it would be best if we would make one trip and do the last BB but if there are disadvantages such as not getting into classes she needs/wants we will sacrifice to go to an earlier date.</p></li>
<li><p>Do kids ever do BB alone or is it better to have parent there?</p></li>
<li><p>We have a 6 yr old too, how would this work for BB?</p></li>
<li><p>What are your thoughts regarding on campus banking vs just a debit card from hometown bank we can add to account if necessary?</p></li>
<li><p>If you don’t bring a car you don’t have the parking decal charge, correct?</p></li>

<p>Thanks in advance. RTR</p>

<p>Welcome and congratulations on choosing the UA!</p>

<p>If someone pulls her in, her chances are fair/good. It would involve her giving her proxy code to the student to enter into the room. Change it immediately after room selection.</p>

<p>Classes are available at each section, but she may not get her “best” schedule by attending later. I don’t believe there is an issue that prohibits the 6 year old, but the days are long and would be difficult for a 6 year old. Sibling orientation is for hs age kids only. If I brought a 6 year old, I would plan to be able to get out and entertain him or her and possibly change out with my spouse.</p>

<p>Some parents on this board are sending kids alone, but it can be stressful and overwhelming. It would depend upon the student in my opinion.</p>

<p>We deposit money to our D’s ACT card and she has a bank account. She has never used the bank account, but does occasionally use our credit card.</p>

<p>No parking decal is necessary if she doesn’t bring a car.</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>i would do the earlier BB if you can for schedule reasons. </p>

<p>they split kids from parents at the beginning, so you don’t really see kid that much. you could send her alone if you are comfortable with that. they have stuff for parents, but i don’t think it was all that necessary for us.</p>

<p>our kid has bank account at home. it is only an issue when she needs a check for something (maybe once a year). unless your kid will have a job and will have to deal with checks more often, but you can deposit a check through your phone, so even that is not an issue any more.</p>

<p>I agree that it is not necessary for a parent to attend BB if the student is comfortable with the idea. We enjoyed it, but I cannot say we really learned anything new that hadn’t already been provided to us. It does manage to keep parents from hovering.</p>

<p>If your D has girls that are willing to pull her in, then maybe she should attend the honors BB that they are attending so she won’t be alone. </p>

<p>I can understand the financial concern. If it’s too much, then have her go to the last one, but be aware that she may have schedule issues for that semester (only).</p>

<p>My daughter attended the last BB and she got all of her classes (with the exception of the math class was full -the one she was supposed to take per her math placement exam - so she had to go down one level). It didn’t matter for her major. The lower level class was really easy for her but it got the math requirement out of the way and she moved on. I think it would depend on your major and the the classes you want to take. Since we fly across the country it just wasn’t feasible to go to another BB. It all worked out and as others have said if you do have any problems it is only for that one semester. </p>

<p>My daughter did have backup plans for other classes in case the ones she wanted were full.</p>

<p>If you do go to the last BB, then a week or so before coming, check to see what classes still have open seats and form a Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C. </p>

<p>Then, the day before, check again.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that some of the 100 level classes will release more seats for your child’s BB.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. I didn’t know we could look at classes and see if they had openings before BB.<br>
I guess if she went to BB alone she would need transportation from airport and need to stay in hotel the first night. Students just stay in dorm the night between BB ay 1 and 2,
She is an engineering major.</p>

<p>I would check with Housing. We and several others (parents and students) were able to stay in the dorms the night before BB for a minimal extra charge.</p>

<p>When my D signed up for BB (May 39-30) it gave us the option to select for her to stay in the dorm the night before BB started. It was an extra $24.</p>

<p>*Thanks everyone. I didn’t know we could look at classes and see if they had openings before BB.
I guess if she went to BB alone she would need transportation from airport and need to stay in hotel the first night. Students just stay in dorm the night between BB ay 1 and 2,
She is an engineering major.

<p>The others above are correct. You can stay in the dorms the night before for an extra charge. This works well for those flying in.</p>

<p>In another recent thread, there is new transportation from the airport.</p>