<p>So, I was just wondering.. is it possible to not do well at school because you find your classes way too easy and as a result, have no motivation to even try? Because I'm taking really hard classes, and I've just been really unmotivated this year and just leave everything to procrastinate. I don't really listen in class or read my textbook in advance, because I'm bored and procrastinate, and so everything the teacher says sounds confusing to me. However, when I actually TRY and get home and read my notes/textbook at the last minute (AKA cram), I find all the concepts behind things really easy. In addition, I get bored VERY easily unless something absolutely fascinates me, and I'm finding a lot of my classes boring. I'm not even doing well in the EASIEST class I'm taking, Honors English, because it's way too simple and I overanalyze things in that class.</p>
<p>I'm a bad test-taker, especially when it comes to multiple choice quizzes (because I overanalyze and overpressure myself under time limits) and I usually bomb a lot of my tests/quizzes because of that, even when I understand the concepts clearly. This is what, I think, leads to getting bad grades. Because I do well on essays and projects and everything else graded that isn't a test or a quiz.</p>
<p>I know this might sound really confusing, sorry.<br>
But is it that I find my classes too easy, or is there some other reason? Can anyone read into this for me? Like, has anyone else gone through this?</p>