Too easy?

<p>So, I was just wondering.. is it possible to not do well at school because you find your classes way too easy and as a result, have no motivation to even try? Because I'm taking really hard classes, and I've just been really unmotivated this year and just leave everything to procrastinate. I don't really listen in class or read my textbook in advance, because I'm bored and procrastinate, and so everything the teacher says sounds confusing to me. However, when I actually TRY and get home and read my notes/textbook at the last minute (AKA cram), I find all the concepts behind things really easy. In addition, I get bored VERY easily unless something absolutely fascinates me, and I'm finding a lot of my classes boring. I'm not even doing well in the EASIEST class I'm taking, Honors English, because it's way too simple and I overanalyze things in that class.</p>

<p>I'm a bad test-taker, especially when it comes to multiple choice quizzes (because I overanalyze and overpressure myself under time limits) and I usually bomb a lot of my tests/quizzes because of that, even when I understand the concepts clearly. This is what, I think, leads to getting bad grades. Because I do well on essays and projects and everything else graded that isn't a test or a quiz.</p>

<p>I know this might sound really confusing, sorry.<br>
But is it that I find my classes too easy, or is there some other reason? Can anyone read into this for me? Like, has anyone else gone through this?</p>


<p>If you think the concepts in class are easy, then I don’t really understand why you would be doing so poorly.</p>

<p>I definitely find that it is easier to concentrate if I had a good amount of sleep the night before (Last year I would sleep like 6 hours a night and would never be able to concentrate. I now try and get at least 8 hours a night, and so far my concentration has been fine.)</p>

<p>Always use free time in school to do schoolwork. And you should at least pretend that you are paying attention in class, because you want teachers to like you. (And they may not be willing to help you if you don’t pay attention in class, and then you go in and ask for extra help.)</p>

<p>I suggest you go see your teachers and talk to them about study methods for tests, etc.</p>

<p>I hope I helped in some way!</p>

<p>Lol, I was like that at the beginning of the year, just like I do every year. Once I learn the teacher and the way the grade it all goes well.</p>