Too late for ap bio selfstudy?!??!

<p>hey all,
so this winter break ive been pondering which other aps i should self study lol
so far im self studying calc ab and world history. im not worried about either of those cuz i have some teachers to help me out with them.
now, i am also taking honors bio this year and we just started genetics. do you think i would have enough time to start an ap bio self study? and for other people self studying ap bio, have you already started? or are you guys gonna start in jan?i</p>

<p>thanks in advanced.</p>

<p>oh! and by the way the bio book we are using in school is "biology" from prentice hall, miller,levine
i know everyone says that campbell is the best but will this book along with cliffs suffice? thanks</p>

<p>never too late</p>

<p>^agreed. Just use Campbell and Cliffs. I’m literally self-studying considering how incompetent my teacher is.</p>

<p>The thing is i dont really wanna buy the campbells book if i dont have too. I heard it has a lot of information that isn’t tested on the ap test.
I do have the prentice hall biology book by miller and levine which is the book we use in my hnrs bio class.
I also plan on buying both the barrons and cliffs. But if campbells really that good i will most definitely buy it.</p>

<p>and if i buy the campbells book, should i buy that study guide too written by martha taylor?</p>

<p>Yea, you can buy some study guides, but if you are not taking a class, you should definitely buy a textbook just to read up on some stuff you are not sure about. You don’t have to buy Campbell’s if it’s too expensive, just buy another textbook for reference.</p>