Too late for 'Bama national achievement scholarship?

<p>I didn’t really know too much about National Achievement and the scholarships I could get until more recently and by that time I had already passed the deadline for the Alabama scholarship. Does anyone know if I could still try for it? or is it too late? I’ve seen on other threads that people have applied after and still have got it so yeah. Does anyone know??</p>

<p>Are you already in the run for National Achievement?</p>

<p>I believe if you are NMF, deadlines don’t mean anything, but M2CK will come along and verify shortly.</p>

<p>Also, did you take the PSAT as a junior (oct 2011)? What part of the process did you miss?</p>

<p>From reading jrh’s other post, I am pretty sure she is a National Achievement finalist but did not apply to Bama by Dec 1 and wants to know can she still get the scholarship even though it is after 12/1.</p>

<p>I am already a finalist, since I have made it to the finalist level I am qualified for a scholarship at Alabama but I missed the deadline because I didn’t know about it.</p>

<p>I believe you are ok as long as you apply and ultimately name Bama as your number 1 school.</p>

<p>I asked this question by email to the financial aid office or something about my National Merit and National Achievement status.</p>



<p>So. Unless they’re yanking my chain with ambiguous answers, I think you’re good.</p>

<p>You should go ahead and apply. </p>

<p>In 2010, my son applied in early Feb. after receiving National Merit Finalist status. He did miss the Dec. deadline but was told by the regional recruiter that Bama would still accept his application since he was a NMF. In April, he was assigned a room in Ridgecrest, as part of his guaranteed housing scholarship, and received the formal NMF scholarship package letter in late April/May. Before May 1st, he designated Bama as his first choice school for National Merit purposes.</p>

<p>You can still get it.</p>

<p>The Dec 1 deadline does not apply to FINALISTs. It only applies to those who only make it to semi-finalist. </p>

<p>So, apply!! And best wishes.</p>

<p>Thanks Ya’ll are really helpful! Does anyone know if it is guaranteed?</p>

<p>Yes, it’s guaranteed as long as you have a 3.5 GPA or higher.</p>

<p>There’s no GPA req’t for finalists.</p>

<p>Gosh, totally misread that on the website, but you’re right. If someone wants to delete my first post, please do because I don’t want to mislead anyone.</p>