Too Late?

<p>Can I still apply? Or is it too latee. </p>

<p>I'm looking to get into the Engineering Honors program.</p>


<p>SATS: 2180 (760 CR, 760 M, 660 W) [retaking in January..]
SAT II: 780 Math II; 740 Chem
GPA: 3.86/4.0 or 93.432 (no weighted rank given)
Rank: 20/723 (2.7%)</p>

<p>AP Courses: Chem AP (pending), Bio AP (pending), Calc BC (pending), Calc AB (pending), Stats AP (pending), English Lit AP (pending), Psychology AP (5), US History AP (5), Computer Science A (4)</p>

<p>High School Course Load: All Honors/AP. Most rigorous course load possible.</p>

Key Club (Editor) 9th-12th
The Bigger Picture - Student Union (Treasurer) 11th-12th
Knights of Pythagoras - Math Honor Society (Vice President) 9th-12th
Academic Decathlon 11th-12th
Ethic's Bowl (President) - 1st Place Team 10th
Robotics 11th-12th
JET (Junior Engineering Technical Society) 11th-12th
Madrigals (Honors Choir) - 11th
Science League 9th-12th
Math League (First Place 10th; Second Place 11th) 9th-12th</p>

Kessler Institute of Rehabilitation (~100 hours) - 11th
St. Joesph's Hospital (Giggle's Theater - Entertain Hospitalized Children) 11th-12th</p>

<p>Recommendations: never read
Essays: lol, almost done.</p>

<p>State: NJ
Financial Aid: chyeaa.</p>

<p>I feel like the deadline was probably November 15th but you should call to double check.</p>

<p>You can still apply. March 1st is listed as the priority deadline for Fall applicants.</p>

<p>Yeah, you have until March 1st like Zenoa said. November 15th was the deadline for scholarship consideration, though.</p>

<p>March 1 sounds like a regular decision deadline. Hasn’t the priority deadline passed, seeing as decisions are already out?</p>

<p>They are asking about the engineering honors program. And the website says this:</p>

<p>“Scholarships and University Honors Program

Students who complete an admission application by November 15 (application and all required material) will be considered for the invitation-only University-wide Honors Program.”</p>

<p>I would assume this goes for the engineering honors program or any other honors program as well. I’d still call to double check though.</p>

<p>so how much money am I missing out on? lol (out of state)</p>

<p><a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board;
$26,622 + $9,120 + $1,050 + $1,690 + $280 = $38,762</p>

<p>would I still get financial aid?..</p>

<p>Not much, if any.</p>

<p>The deadline for financial aid is March 1st</p>

<p>Here’s some financial aid info about myself:</p>

<p>Residency: NJ
EFC: 0
Financial Aid: ~$8000 in Fed. grants. Don’t expect much money if you are OOS. If you are in-state then it’s a whole new story…</p>

<p>thanks guys. btw, does Engineering have a different acceptance rate for Purdue?</p>

<p>lower acceptance rates for engineering and pre pharm compared to other programs. not sure of the exact numbers though.</p>

<p>lower acceptance rates for Flight as well… there are a good # of programs that are very competitive other than engineering, pre pharm and Flight.</p>