Too many credits...loss of freshman scholarships?

A regional recruiter for Ole Miss told me that if you have over like 20 college hours or so from community college classes and AP testing going into college that you’re no longer considered a freshman and are ineligible for freshman scholarships. Has anyone else heard about this? I don’t have that many hours but I believe I’ve seen some people on here who do and just wanted to let them know it’s a possibility they’re screwing themselves over.

<p>I was told that but I was also told that because only a few of my credit hours would actually count, I would be considered a normal freshman. I've gotten the feeling that most kids who take CC classes during high school go to college and throw many of them away.</p>

<p>... I am curious as well.</p>

<p>This is a concern for us, too, as my son's in a dual program, getting high school credit for attending college. He's going to be dramatically over 20 hours, but students get accepted from his school as entering freshman all the time. I understood the difference was that most colleges take into account whether you were offically a high school student when you took the college courses. Equally interesting is that some universities won't transfer college hours for which you received high school credit.</p>

<p>It pays to check the university's website and, if in doubt, write to ask.</p>

<p>I recently discussed my community college status with the new head of admissions at the University of Connecticut - he was very helpful and told me that the school would consider me a freshman coming in and evaluate the course credits I had earned once I chose my major, which will most likely be in the liberal arts field. I'm sure I will get credit for at least four of my APs and nearly all of my community college credits (42 in total.)</p>

<p>Why so many credits, you might wonder? :) I'm still enrolled at my high school, but I fulfilled all requirements so I only attend the local comm. college. Something the Dean (from Ask the Dean :D) calls Dual Enrollment! ^_^ W00t!</p>

<p>Strick11- I think your situation is a little different in that he is getting credit for college classes in high school... It was my understanding that if the college classes were for enrichment they could go towards "real" college but if they were taken in place of high school credit they could not.(this is what our couselors told us at least)</p>

<p>I am taking the classes completely outside of my high school. Nowhere on my HS transcript does it say anything about CC classes and I have no requirements for CC classes(ie. its not a waiver or anything) to my high school. I know that my CC has policies in place for HS students regarding what we can take and what we cannot(ie we are not allowed to take english courses unless over winter break or over summer... not sure why) </p>

<p>I've called the admissions offices and gotten answers for some of my classes, but honestly, if I don't get credit, its not a big deal. </p>

<p>I don't know about scholarships though...</p>