Too Many Math Classes in a Semester?

Hi, so I’m going back to college after a semester off due to mental and physical health reasons, and I was wondering if you guys think this schedule is too much? I am a math major and am considering taking Linear Algebra, Computer Science (an intro level course), Mathematical Statistics, Calc 3, and French 3. I’m also in choir and a sorority. Most of these classes are prereqs for other classes I need, so the only ones I could realistically drop would be French 3 and Linear Algebra, however it is preferred that I take Linear Algebra this semester. Any suggestions?

If math is your strongest subject, then taking multiple math courses should not be unusually difficult.

However, computer science courses with programming assignments and projects can be very time consuming.

Computer science courses are sometimes time consuming, so make sure if you are that kind of person who gets stress quickly. Maybe consider dropping it

What is the pre-req on your math stats course/what level of depth does it cover? Calc 3 and linear at the same time should not be a problem as that’s common for math majors (at least at my university), but math stats on top of that may be hard. Math stats at my university also has calc 3 as a pre-requisite because you need to know how to handle double (and triple) integrals and Jacobian substitutions.