Too many tags?


Why is it that when I try to add tags to a post, and there are no more than 25 words (tags) and thus the same number of commas (or one less at the end), an error message appears saying that “the number of tags for this post has been exceeded by X”?

I’ve tried several times to tag my posts; usually I only put a max of 5-7 words, and yet I keep getting the error that says there are too many tags. Like this for example –

money, economy, jobs, loans, Emerson, creativity

– which I just tried on a post about a minute ago, gave the message

“The number of tags for this post has been exceeded by 9”

…and there are only six words in the entire blank. I wasn’t able to post with tags so I didn’t include any. Perhaps tech support/admins/mods can look into this. I’m a wannabe blogger and am just getting used to the idea of keyword searching (and topic tagging!) for SEO and readability. If there’s something I’m doing wrong here, let me know. Also, have other users encountered this problem, and what can/has (I’m not a lolcat, btw…hence the slash!) tech support able/been able to do about it? Is it user error or a glitch?

Thanks in advance!

You can only assign two tags. A thread can accumulate twenty-five total.