Too Much Math First Semester

<p>I was at orientation and the advisers for engineering highly recommended not going this route but I want to hear from people who have done it or know of people who have. Is it a good/bad/terribly bad decision to take Calc. 1206, Vector Geometry, and Linear Algebra all in one semester? I am still taking only 18 credit hours and 2 of those our my Hypatia seminar.</p>

<p>I’m assuming you took AP Calc in high school? What was your score on the AP test and was it AB or BC? </p>

<p>I took AP Calc BC in high school and I took Calc 2, Linear Algebra, and Vector Geometry during my first semester here and I was fine. Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry are jokes; Calc 2 is a tougher course that many people struggle with but still do fine in. </p>

<p>I’m guessing the reason you were advised to not take those classes during your first semester is because many high school students haven’t learned how to study yet. Linear Algebra and Calc 1206 are taught completely at the Empo and its up to you to learn the material, ask questions, and keep up with the work. This is foreign to lots of high school students and lots of students struggle with it. </p>

<p>If you want to take all those math classes and you’re confident in your study habits, then go at it. Honestly, if you’re going into engineering its better to learn good study habits now rather than later on. </p>

<p>But if you’re sort of iffy about you’re study habits, then drop either Vector or Linear Algebra and try and get used to college first. </p>

<p>Choice is up to you.</p>

<p>I took Calc. AB and dual enrolled it as well as Physics C (calc based). I feel like between the two I know basic calc. as well as vectors but I just want vector geometry and calc. 1206 to be refresher courses. </p>

<p>I am glad to hear it is manageable. The advising staff made it sound like if you took all three you would fail one of the classes… For linear algebra, are there specific deadlines or is it mostly work at your own pace?</p>

<p>If you took AP Calc AB in high school, then Calc 1206 will mostly be new material. </p>

<p>Vector Geometry does go into Physics Vectors , but it also goes into polar coordinates and other 3D math that is essential for multi-variable calculus and higher engineering courses. But if you already have a solid foundation of Physics Vectors then you’re already ahead of the curve. </p>

<p>Linear Algebra doesn’t have any deadlines (aside from complete it before the end of the semester ) and can be completed in the first month if you were so inclined. </p>

<p>To be fair, the advising staff is probably more knowledgeable about freshman grade outcomes than I am. After all, it is their job to talk to them and they have access to data that I do not. But as a Junior, I have and have witnessed other people take that course load and be fine with it. Just make sure you stay on top of the ball.</p>