<p>I am planning my courses and i'd like some input from those of you who have taken these courses.</p>
<p>1.Ap Bio
2.Ap Physics
3.Ap CHem
4.Ap Calc
5.World History</p>
<p>Im not sure if this is too much for a junior. At first glance it doesn't look like it is but something is telling me that I might be in for more tnan I can take? any advice?</p>
<p>Um, depends on how much you love science. Depending on your school, all three of those AP science classes can be very rigorous and difficult. I would advise maybe dropping one of the three and taking an english class instead. Don't you usually need at least 4 credits of English to graduate?</p>
<p>I have already finished my english credits since my school runs on block schedule. I really love science (I double up on it every year, last year I took 3 sciences) however, I just wanted to see the opinions of others on these AP's</p>
<p>3 scineces is rather though since none of them are interdisciplinary, and each requires a lot of work. If you think you can handle it then go for it, but I think you should cut back on the science and take something for fun like art or PE.</p>
<p>Well I'm not sure which AP Physics or which AP Calc you're talking about, but I wouldn't recommend taking AP Physics along with AP Chem and AP Calc. I'd say pick one of those 2 sciences and Calc. The others shouldn't be too much of a problem. From what I've heard anyways.</p>
<p>If you are a genuis/ have more then 6 hours a night to study go for it. I got to tell you, there is a big jump from non-AP sciences to AP. If you have already taken some AP sciences then you already know. I really wouldn't do it though, I've taken those course and while what you want to do is possible, I don't think it is worth it. Why don't you balance out your schedule with some electives you enjoy or something?</p>
<p>We have A/B block scheduling at my school and I ended up having AP Physics C, US government, AP Calc AB, and AP Stats on my A day....and between just those 3 AP classes, I come home with between 6 and 8 hours of homework a night. Fortunately, because of the block scheduling, I get two days to work on all that stuff, but it still sucks...</p>
<p>My input is simply this AP Physics C = death. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the subject and the teacher, but DAMN is that class hard. Chem and Bio aren't jokes either. </p>
<p>To be frank, the thought of taking all three AP Sciences in one year is insane and almost masochistic. I'd never do it, even if it were possible at my school (which it isn't, because all three lab science APs are in the same period.</p>
<p>AP Calc: It just depends on how evil the teacher is. My calc teacher is very light on the homework (to the point where I often just do it in class...the day that it's due) - others like to pile it on.</p>
<p>If you really like science a lot, why not drop one of the 3 major sciences and take envi. sci. ap if possible? I'm trying to take all 3 ap sciences but the way it works for us, I would have AP Bio 1st semester, AP Chem 2nd semester and Ap Physics is offered either semester, so it would be spread.</p>
<p>Personally, I abhor science. I'm in regular physics, and it's just absolutely horrible. I did very badly in regular chem, but people who don't hate science in my school do consistently badly. Next year, I'm trying to NOT take science and double up on history instead.</p>
<p>lol ihateCA that is exactly opposite of what I am doing. I prefer science classes because they are more conceptual than memorization, except AP Bio (which I'm in now). I'm planning to take AP Chem and Honors Physics next year (we don't offer AP Physics)...it should be a relief from constant history note-taking. I love history, I just hate taking notes.</p>
<p>I'm having the same trouble picking out my classes. Right now, I'm thinking I'll take Calc 2, Organic Chem, Physics (and maybe Astronomy or Nutrition) but I don't want to die of stress in the process. I love science too, but it might be hard because sciences usually involve a lot of lab write-ups and practice problems. Then again, this is junior year for me and I've heard it's supposed to be pretty challenging.</p>
<p>If I were you, I'd ask a lot of friends at school how hard the teachers are. The challenge of each AP class differs from school to school and your friends might have some input into which classes at your school are hardest, which teachers are awesome, etc. Good luck if you do decide to do all three!</p>