Took foreign language placement test. Any reason to take CLEP test?

<p>I’m a high school senior who will attend UA this fall and I’m not sure what the best way is to receive credit for my Spanish. I will not major or minor in Spanish and have no particular interest in taking Spanish classes, but since I’m receiving a study abroad stipend I’d probably like to use that to take a trip to Spain one summer.</p>

<p>I speak Spanish decently well but by no means fluently from taking 4 years in high school. I just took the MyBama Spanish placement exam and scored a 470. I have no idea what that score means because I don’t know what the scale is, but this page (<a href=“”></a>) tells me that I should be in SP 300+. </p>

<p>I took the AP Spanish Language exam on Tuesday but due to some problems with the recording software I didn’t complete one of the sections of the exam, so I expect to score poorly.</p>

<p>Can I get credit just for having taken the online exam? I’m also considering taking the CLEP test sometime this summer but if I won’t get any more credit for that test then I won’t take it. Keeping in mind that my goal is to study abroad while taking no Spanish classes or very few Spanish classes, what is my best option?</p>

<p>You only get credit with the placement exam if you take additional FL courses. More credit with CLEP anyway. Take the CLEP. </p>

<p>Class2M is 100% correct - if you want credit, you gotta take the right test. If you think you’re gonna score poorly on the AP, then you are def going to want to take the CLEP to get the most credit. There is no speaking w/ the CLEP - only listening (and listening to a full passage of text and then the questions and then the multiple choices after listening to to it all IS difficult, not gonna lie), but it sounds like you will score above the minimum to get full credit (14 units). Plus, you get the score right then and there + sending the score to UA is free if you do it right at the test site. My son only took 3 years of HS Spanish and he got the over the min score to get the max credits. You can do this too, I’m sure!</p>

<p>Just want to agree with above posters. You need to do the CLEP! Much more credit and you won’t have to take any more Spanish classes if you do not want to. If you want to use your stipend for travel to Spain with the UA in Spain program you will need to take Spanish classes while you are there. Depending on how many credits you get from CLEP it is very easy to get your minor in Spanish. My D came in with 14 units from the CLEP test took 2 Spanish classes her freshman year and one her soph. Once she does the UA in Spain program she will be done w/ her minor! Just an FYI.</p>