<p>This is just a total shame:
[Toomer’s</a> Oaks Update - Office of Communications and Marketing - Auburn University](<a href=“http://ocm.auburn.edu/news/oaks.html]Toomer’s”>http://ocm.auburn.edu/news/oaks.html)
The investigation is ongoing, but who would do such a horrendous thing?</p>
<p>My grandfather proposed to my grandmother at Toomer’s Corner, probably under one of those trees. Her dorm was across the street. There are some really sick people out there.</p>
<p>This crime is genuine tragedy for both the University, and the town of Auburn. It’s hard to imagine this part of campus without those trees. Another problem is the nature of the herbicide (“Spike”)-- it will kill the surrounding shrubbery and trees as well. I’d be curious what the students think in terms of who would do this – a disgruntled student or student organization? I wonder if the web cam at Samford Hall has any record of when this happened? (wishful thinking, I know)</p>
<p>The guy called into a radio station and admitted he did it (even what kind of poison he used). Says he did it because he read an article about students rolling the corner when Bear Bryant passed, and that he doesn’t care that it was illegal. Pure scum! I have always been an Alabama fan, but intend to transfer to Auburn next year, and it’s just a shame that this guy is using this rivalry as his excuse. Only pure scum would do something like this!</p>
<p>Here’s the link to the audio of the call to the radio station: </p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - Bammer calls in to Paul Finebaum and boasts about poisoning](<a href=“Bammer calls in to Paul Finebaum and boasts about poisoning - YouTube”>Bammer calls in to Paul Finebaum and boasts about poisoning - YouTube)</p>
<p>I am a third-generation Alabama grad and a life-long Bama fan. I am so sad about this and I hope Auburn fans understand that most Bama fans agree with me. This is just sick.</p>
<p>WTVM-TV is reporting that Harvey Almorn Updyke, 62, from Dadeville is under arrest for the tree poisoning at Toomer’s corner charged with criminal mischief. He is being held on $50,000 bond.</p>
<p>School officials, in a statement Thursday morning, announced plans to hold a news conference at 10:30 a.m. in front of Samford Hall to discuss developments in the poisoning of Toomer’s Oaks.</p>
<p>thanks churchmusicmom! ^^ i imagine most auburn fans do feel that way. (we do.) it would be really cool if somehow there could be some visible show of support between au and bama fans. it would show that hateful guy/anyone who is pleased with his cruelty, that neither schools’ classy fans approve of this.</p>
<p>this is a great window of opportunity to share some kindness.</p>
<p>[Arrest</a> reported in Auburn tree poisoning | ajc.com](<a href=“http://www.ajc.com/sports/arrest-reported-in-auburn-841586.html?cxtype=rss_news]Arrest”>http://www.ajc.com/sports/arrest-reported-in-auburn-841586.html?cxtype=rss_news)</p>
<p>I am a UA alum, and agree with the other UA poster here. What a despicable act! We do not feel good about this, no matter how many AU fans might think otherwise. Of course it makes us look bad, even though it has nothing to do with our alma mater. </p>
<p>I propose having an UA and AU player come onto the field at this year’s Iron Bowl, carrying the state of Alabama’s flag, proudly together.</p>
<p>Let’s just say that guy is better off in prison now.</p>
<p>On another note, this hurts the image of not only 'Bama fans, but of people in the state of Alabama as a whole. NOTE: It is not my intention to offend anyone from the state of Alabama with my following statement (after all, I DECIDED to come here and love this place - Auburn). </p>
<p>However, being an out-of-state student, I can honestly say that the stereotypes associated with the state of Alabama are not great as it is. Most people from other states already “know/think of” Alabama as the land of the hillbilly and the redneck. Unfortunately, barbaric acts such as the one performed by said 'Bama fan go a long way in reinforcing this erroneous way of thinking. “Only in Alabama are people crazy/stupid enough to do something like that, especially over a dumb school rivalry.”</p>
<p>While I understand/believe that this way of thinking is simply ridiculous, I can guarantee you there are a lot of people out there that feel this way.</p>
<p>Again, not my intention to offend anyone. I love Alabama and its people (especially the girls - so nice/friendly/beautiful). ;)</p>
<p>I’m very sorry to hear this. My son is considering Auburn too and when we visited he got a picture at Toomer’s Corner. </p>
<p>I’m sure that Auburn won’t let that tradition die…</p>
<p>Maybe the Bama alumni could donate a tree? I know they can’t replant (if necessary) for up to five years, but the gesture would give the other 99.99% of Bama fans, who love their traditions as much as we do, a chance to be heard. It’s not just about the trees - it’s 130 years of our history.<br>
I guess we’re like family - my brother and I can bicker all day, but NOBODY lays a hand on me if he’s around!</p>
<p>Tiger, there is a Face Book group called “Tide for Toomer’s” that has, as of the last update, received $27,000 in pledges towards making this right. This nutcase is NOT representative of the Bama fans.</p>
<p>Signed, a third-generation Bama alum who HATES that this happened.</p>
<p>There’s a link on the auburn.edu site to the Tide for Toomer’s Facebook page – for those interested, go to the Toomers update section.</p>
<p>And The Whos Kept On Singing (forwarded)</p>
<p>This whole thing with the Toomer’s trees reminds me of the story of “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”. Perhaps “Al” aka Harvey Almorn Updyke, from Dadeville ought to read that book. The Grinch could no more steal Christmas by stealing the Whos’ presents than “Al” can steal the Auburn Spirit by poisoning our Toomer’s trees. Do you remember what happened when the Whos woke up and their presents were gone? I am sure they were upset at first but it just made them realize even more that the Christmas spirit isn’t contained in boxes or bows-just as the Auburn Spirit isn’t contained in those trees, so they still celebrated, and kept on singing. Spirit comes from and exists within, and no one, not even “Al” the Grinch, can take that away. In fact, hurtful and hateful acts only make the Auburn Spirit stronger because we realize how invaluable and intangible it really is.</p>
<p>“And the toilet paper, the trunk, the branches and leaves, I’ll bring it all down with poisoned disease. Their mouths will hang open a minute or two, all the fans down in Auburn will all cry BOO-HOO! That’s a noise,” grinned “Al” from Dadeville, “That I simply must hear!” So he paused. And the Grinch called “Al” put a hand to his ear. And he did hear a sound rising over the Plains. It started in low. Then it started to grow… But the sound wasn’t sad! Why, this sound sounded merry! It couldn’t be so! But it WAS merry! VERY! He stared down at Auburn! “Al” popped his eyes! Then he shook! What he saw was a shocking surprise! Every Tiger down in Auburn, the tall and the small, were still celebrating without any trees at all! He HADN’T stopped the Auburn Spirit from coming! IT CAME! Somehow or other, it came just the same! And the Grinch called “Al” stood puzzling and puzzling: “How could it be so? It came without paper or shakers or trees, it came without all these things indeed. And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore. Then “Al” the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! “Maybe Auburn’s spirit” he thought, “means a bit more!” And what happened then…? Well…in Auburn they say that “Al” the Grinch’s small heart hopefully grew three sizes that day, after of course, they locked him away!”</p>
<p>War Eagle (internal shakers stirring and toilet paper flowing)!</p>
<p>Don’t know if y’all have heard but both Auburn and Alabama will be planting “twin trees” somewhere on their campus as a sign of mutual respect in the rivalry. </p>
<p>[Pair</a> to be planted on campuses of UA, AU in show of respect | montgomeryadvertiser.com | Montgomery Advertiser](<a href=“http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/article/20110224/NEWS02/102240326/Pair+to+be+planted+on+campuses+of+UA++AU+in+show+of+respect]Pair”>http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/article/20110224/NEWS02/102240326/Pair+to+be+planted+on+campuses+of+UA++AU+in+show+of+respect)</p>
<p>Pretty awesome idea in my opinion.</p>