Top 10 schools to apply to for someone who wants to get into engineering?

<p>Computer engineering to be specific.</p>

<p>Which 10 are the 10 best colleges an engineer could attend?</p>

<p>I saw the list of best engineering schools, but I think it accounts the engineering program as the only factor. I mean, wouldn't most people prefer going to Brown than Georgia Tech?</p>

<p>you mean computer science pretty much?</p>


Carnegie Mellon

<p>These are just some off the top of my head that have excellent programs.</p>

<p>Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Princeton, Texas, Washington, Harvard.</p>

<p>Purdue is a bit overranked by Usnews. I don't think it is a top 10 engineering school.</p>

<p>Michigan for sure</p>

<p>Here's what I was thinking:
1. MIT
2. Stanford
3. UC Berkeley
4. Cornell
5. Princeton
6. Harvard
7. Brown
8. U Mich
9. Caltech
10. Carnegie Mellon
And maybe 11. UIUC.</p>

Harvey Mudd

<p>My dad is an engineer and those are the schools where most of his co-workers went to.</p>

<p>ROFL @ Pitt. If you think engineering = fixing a broken bong then yea I guess Pitt counts.</p>

<p>I'm just going by where guys my dad works with went, my dad's boss did his undergrad at pitt and grad at USC (business) and Stanford (engineering)</p>

<p>Oh okay that explains it. Ugrad becomes useless once you get into a good Grad.</p>

<p>Why is Harvard on your Top 10 list for engineering?</p>

<p>Because I'd rather go to Harvard than UIUC/Mich/Purdue?</p>

<p>Who cares if their engineering sucks.</p>

<p>Ahhh...All's explained now. :p</p>

<p>My top 10 Engineering schools (* indicates top 5):</p>

<p>California Institute of Technology *
Carnegie Mellon University
Cornell University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology *
Princeton University
Stanford University *
University of California-Berkeley *
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor</p>

<p>Honorable mention:
Johns Hopkins University
Northwestern University
Purdue University
Texas A&M University
University of California-San Diego
University of California-Los Angeles
University of Texas-Austin
University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>

<p>^ I agree with everything except some of the honorable mentions.</p>

<p>Yes, I honorable mention wasput together sloppily! LOL</p>

<p>Why are there only 4 top 5's?</p>

<p>Because I can't count higher! hehe Seriously, because there are only 4 clear-cut top 5 Engineering programs. The fifth spot can go to any of the 6 remaining top 10 Engineering programs. Personally, I would give the 5th spot to UIUC, but that's just me. CMU, Cornell and Michigan can also make an excellent case for top 5 honors.</p>