<p>I heard that if you are in the top 4% of your class, you are automatically guaranteed admission to a University of California.</p>
<p>I am top 2%.</p>
<p>I heard that if you are in the top 4% of your class, you are automatically guaranteed admission to a University of California.</p>
<p>I am top 2%.</p>
<p>The top 4% of students at California high schools that you’re referring to are called ELC, or “eligibility in the local context” students. ELC status gets you guaranteed admission to AT LEAST ONE UC, not necessarily Berkeley. If memory serves me right, Davis, San Diego, Riverside, and Merced guarantee admission.</p>
<p>For Berkeley, I believe the approximate percentage is 60% acceptance. As in, 60% of ELC students get in to Berkeley. It really helps.</p>
<p>If you are ELC the chance for all UC’s are like 99.9% except Cal and UCLA, which is like 50-70%.</p>
<p>first not all schools are part of ELC; they have to be qualified enough. ELC does not mean you will get into most of the UC’s. You will get into 1 of the lower ones. San Diego is not a guarantee. SD is almost at part with UCLA now.</p>
<p>All the UC’s except SD, UCLA, and Berkeley admit 95% or more of ELC students. UCSD takes 89% of ELC students. Compare that with the 60% of UCLA and 56% of Berkeley.</p>
<p>[University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_ucsd.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/selecting/camp_profiles/camp_profiles_ucsd.html)</p>
<p>I think you are misinterpreting the statistics. The ELC acceptance rate is probably talking about the percentage of overall admits that were ELC, NOT the percentage of ELC candidates accepted.</p>
<p>that doesnt make sense 126230. why would the most difficult campuses (berkeley, la) have a lower elc percentage? if anything, their student body should consist of even more elc students than the other uc campuses.</p>
<p>Yes, you are guaranteed admission to at least one campus IFF you fulfill all of the admission requirements (a-g courses and test scores) and apply to the guarantee campus. Davis, SB, Irvine, and R are guarantee campuses.</p>
<p>Most ELCs being smart want to go to the top UCs – not just the campuses that guarantee them admission. For those interested in a simple graph which illustrates how ELCs dominate admissions at the TOP UCs, please review the third graph (scroll down) on page 1 here:
<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/...ofile_2008.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/...ofile_2008.pdf</a></p>
<p>“why would the most difficult campuses (berkeley, la) have a lower elc percentage?”</p>
<p>Because not every ELC kid is going to have Cal or UCLA stats. There can be kids who are top 4 percent in a school where the average SAT is 15k and nobody passes AP’s, and others where it’s 18k, and everbody gets 4’s and 5’s on their AP’s. If ELC kids have 60% admission rate at Cal, that means 40% of ELC kids get rejected! Think of that! The chart listed ELC admit rate, as distrint from Californians as percentage of admits .</p>
<p>oh, hello pinkfeather!</p>
<p>check this out!</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/ucla-2012/477942-ucla-elc.html?highlight=regents#post1060480956[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/ucla-2012/477942-ucla-elc.html?highlight=regents#post1060480956</a></p>
<p>Many kids take the Regent’s at UCI or SB or Davis and forgo Cal or UCLA. Moreover, its a smart strategy for a premed-- the chem curve (and thus A’s) is much easier at Irvine than it is at Berkeley.</p>
<p>^ very true.</p>
<p>I have heard that premeds don’t get punished admissions-wise if they take their prereqs at CC if they take them before they begin attending a university.</p>
<p>Assuming my prior statement is accurate, I don’t understand why premeds don’t just take general chem and organic chem at the CC while they are in HS, before they are admitted. They would have good chemistry grades and they would not have to deal with university level chemistry.</p>
<p>I have heard that premeds don’t get punished admissions-wise if they take their prereqs at CC if they take them before they begin attending a university.</p>
<p>Assuming my prior statement is accurate, I don’t understand why premeds don’t just take general chem and organic chem at the CC while they are in HS, before they are admitted. They would have good chemistry grades and they would not have to deal with university level chemistry.</p>