Top 50 Colleges in America (undisputable ranking)

<p>I've discovered that its impossible to make a college ranking on this board without disputes. Therefore, I decided to put the top 50 colleges and LACs in America in alphabetical order. </p>

<p>• Amherst
• Bowdoin
• Boston College
• Brown
• Carleton
• Caltech
• Carnegie Mellon
• Chicago
• Claremont McKenna
• Colgate
• Columbia
• Cornell
• Davidson
• Dartmouth
• Duke
• Emory
• Georgetown
• Grinnell
• Hamilton
• Harvard
• Haverford
• John Hopkins
• Michigan
• Middlebury
• Notre Dame
• Northwestern
• Pomona
• Princeton
• Rice
• Swarthmore
• Stanford
• Trinity
• Tufts
• UC Berkeley
• UPenn
• Vanderbilt
• Vassar
• Wake Forest
• Washington and Lee
• Wellesley
• William and Mary
• Williams
• WashU
• Yale</p>

<p>i do not think that Trinity belongs in that list....there u go, a dispute</p>


<p>how does Trinity make the list and Wesleyan does not?</p>

<p>True. Substitute Wesleyan for Trinity. I think I confused it with Wellesley.</p>

<p>I agree with... most... of the rankings. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Yale #50? What sort of s@#t is that? Just kidding, but the alphabetical method of ranking makes about as much sense as some of the other methods that show up on this site. Hard to dispute that Y comes after A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L, etc.</p>

<p>And most importantly, with this method Northeastern has a shot at cracking the top 100!! In fact the administration over on Huntington Avenue is probably meeting right now to decide whether to change the school's name to Aardvark University or University of Acme (to get all that free pub out of the Coyote's bombs & rocket-powered motorcycles).</p>

<p>Alphabetical Ivy League:</p>

Arizona State

<p>Of this group, I think Alabama, Alaska-Anchorage, and Alaske-Fairbanks are clearly ahead of the rest, and are the new HYP. They can be referred to as AAA.</p>


<p>Forget Syracuse (remeber...this list contains both liberal arts and national universities)...but I'm surprised that there's no Wisconsin! That's an up-and-coming school...</p>


<p>Umm...which school would Reed take off?</p>

<p>Not sure about Boston College- Brandeis, Colby, Bates, Bucknell, Holy Cross, Smith, Lehigh all comparable. Brandeis is usually rated 8-10 spots above BC.</p>


<p>Is that the B-list for Tourguide?</p>

<p>Hey these lists are senseless...</p>

<p>I, for once, agree with par! i dont think boston college should be on that list; and why hamilton and trinity college over the other comparable nescac schools (i.e. bates, colby, conn college, and especially wesleyan)? reed is missing, might have to be convinced about claremont mckenna and nyu replacing some of the nescac schools.
otherwise, cant really complain.</p>

<p>Dump Hamilton and Trinity. Replace with Brandeis and the flag-burners at Wesleyan. You're dreamin' if you think there's more going on academically at Bates, Colby, Holy Cross, and Conn College than at BC. How about lumping all the Claremont colleges together? They make such a big deal out of their connection with each other, but when it's convenient they want to be individuals. Sort of like Puerto Rico is part of the USA for defense and financial purposes, but they have their own Olympic teams.</p>

<p>What about UCSD? </p>

<p>I think it is definitely worthy of a Top 50 spot.</p>

<p>are there any colleges still open for 2006 admissions where can I find out</p>

<p>UIUC probably also deserves a spot up there.</p>

<p>Wisconsin, Brandeis, and Boston College are all borderline schools and can all make an argument for the 50th spot. Trinity was already replaced with Wesleyan.</p>

<p>I think Brandeis supercedes Boston College. Now a fight to the death between Brandeis and Wisconsin. Jew v. Badger. Who will survive?</p>

<p>yeah, it would be an interesting fight</p>