<p>sakky, sakky, sakky:</p>
<p>Harvard is not the center of the academic universe. You need to quit drinking the Harvard Kool-aid. As far as undergrad study is concerned, in the U.S., for engineering, Harvard is not the first school that comes to mind of students for undergrad engineering study [Caltech (JPL), MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley (Lawrence Livermore and that small operation in the desert called Los Alamos), UCLA, University of Chicago (the birthplace of the U.S. nuclear program and manager of the Argonne National Labs) and such schools run the big shows in engineering and science in the US]. For economics (The University of Chicago is the top dog). For business (well, Harvard doesn't offer a business undergrad so there's nothing to talk about there unless you want to argue that economics qualifies in this category). </p>
<p>However, if you want to take some courses like Literature and Arts, Historical Study, Science, Foreign Cultures, Quantitative Reasoning, Moral Reasoning, and Social Analysis Harvard is top tier. However, I am sure that a lot of other top tier schools could argue that they have superior programs in any of these given fields. </p>
<p>As far as Oxford and Cambridge (in the U.K.) are concerned. Who cares what they are doing in the U.K.? The sun set on the U.K. a long time ago. The U.K. is a step away from being a third world country. The universities that are most competitive with top U.S. engineering and science oriented universities are in India, Japan, Australia, and China. Sorry to burst your Anglo-centric bubble. </p>
<p>The U.S. is losing its competitive edge in the world today because we don't have enough scientists and engineers. While other countries are cranking out top scientists and engineers from their undergrad programs; we are handing out undergrad diplomas, to far too many people in Literature and Arts, Historical Study, Science, Foreign Culture, Moral Reasoning, and Social Analysis. Nice, fluffy, creampuff majors with little or no real world application in science, or engineering. That's why it is ridiculous for you to attack a school like UC Berkeley. A school that turns out many of the top engineers and scientists in the US. By this measurement, I would say that UC Berkeley is a vastly superior school to Harvard or Yale. </p>
<p>In the U.S. we don't turn out enough engineers and scientists so we have to import the talent. If it weren't for schools like UC Berkeley we would be importing almost all of our science and engineering talent. </p>
<p>And finally, if someone is a whiz in math and/or science, and wants to have a career in math or science, they are not going to turn down an opportunity to do their undergraduate study at Caltech or MIT so they can go to Harvard. That does not compute.</p>