Top colleges on Academics and Athletics

<p>I am a high school junior and I am looking at: </p>

Wake Forest
U.C. Berkeley
Florida (home state)
William and Mary
University of Miami </p>

<p>I white and of the upper middle class according to my mother's household and then there is my dad who hasn't worked in 5 years and barely gets by on savings. I have a 3.75 unweighted GPA, and a 4.4 weighted GPA. First time I took the SAT (sophomore year) I earned a 2090. 800s on both Biology (e) and World History. I am the president of a STAND club (student's against genocide type club) and I intend to run for an officer's position in NHS. I am on track to receive the IB diploma and will graduate in the top 10% of my class. I am a state finalist in Science Olympiad, have competed in state science fair, and have done well in national Model U.N. competitions. In addition to my academics and extracurricular activities, I am also a top runner in my state. I was the top sophomore finisher in my class (school size) in the state in cross country and a state finals qualifier in track. What do my chances at those schools look like? I hope to improve my SAT to about 2200-2300ish and my G.P.A. is starting to go up. I was really lazy in school freshman and sophomore year and I am starting to get better with it. I have solid references too. Thanks for answering.</p>

<p>If you are a recruited athlete, the path is very different from a student who did HS athletics but is not a recruited athlete.</p>

<p>Recruited athletes need to meet a school’s minimally acceptable standards (each school/league has different standards). A student with those stats applying without another hook does not get accepted.</p>

<p>If you are not a recruited athlete, your HS sports career is viewed as an EC (a passionate EC, but still an EC) and given whatever boost an EC gets at that college.</p>

<p>If you are not a recruited athlete, your stats are pretty good and you are in the ballpark in your school selection. But as you move up the top tier of your school list, the odds become more and more difficult to quantify.</p>

<p>There is a specific forum board on CC for questions from athletes - the regulars there are a tremendous source of information.</p>