Top Computer Science Christian Colleges - Current

My son is very interested in Computer Science and looking at CSU Cal Poly and UC’s due to the course list/reputation but is open to looking at Christian colleges as well. I have been researching and the threads regarding this are pretty old. I’m hoping to get feedback on Christian Colleges with excellent computer science undergrad programs. I’m especially interested in ones on the West Coast but there doesn’t appear to be many. From researching, these are the programs I think have solid programs but I definitely could be wrong: Taylor University, Grove City, Cedarville, Calvin College, Baylor. I’m unsure about but interested in Seattle University and Point Loma as well. He is interested in Software Engineering and those have a specific software engineering track and are on the west coast. My preference would be fore a college atmosphere that will help with grow spiritually and is not just Christian in name only. I recognize it is what he makes of it but some appear to be more intentional about discipleship rather than just requiring a religion class and x amount of chapels. I would like to know how far off any of these programs would be from CSU Cal Poly or 2nd tier UC’s. Just trying to weigh all the factors but am not even sure I am looking at the best christian college computer science programs. Thank you for any insight you can share into any of these programs or others I didn’t mention that you are familiar with.

Well, depending on what you mean by Christian, Santa Clara has an excellent reputation for CS. DePaul has a huge CS school.

Thank you. We are looking at all options at this point. I will check those out.

My son (HS senior) is an admitted student at Taylor University. It’s a small Christian college in Indiana. He plans to major in computer science. We were very impressed with Taylor’s CS program. Seems like a great school. Plus, it’s definitely intentional about community and discipleship. Chapels are 3 times per week and are well attended even though they don’t take attendance for example. Lots of travel abroad opportunities and a high 4 year graduation rate and placement rate. Cedarville also had a good CS program. It’s just a more strict (with rules) of a Christian college. We didn’t look at the West coast since we’re from Delaware.

I don’t know how excellent they are TBH, but my oldest lad graduated in 2014 from Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA and the CS majors he knew had quite nice job offers. None of mine were interested in CS so it wasn’t anything I delved into personally. Based upon kids at the public school where I work, CS majors often do pretty well going anywhere they choose if they are talented with computers.

Here is a very long article with CS program rankings:

It doesn’t have most of your names, but it does help to evaluate a school’s CS program. (More academic, more job placement, etc.)

Thank you. This site is helpful.

Thank you. Those are two I keep seeing pop up and both appear to have solid programs and a strong discipleship focus.

Santa Clara has a spectrum of Christian options out of class but they’re definitely very well known for CS.

@camartinez Biola? I have no idea about their CS offerings but I know somebody who did pre-med there and got a good med school placement. Christianity and Christian ethics are embedded in the curriculum.

Merit scholarships as well as need-based aid are available:

My son, now a Junior at UMD, also applied at Taylor and there have been times he wished he would have went there. The program is good professionally. They consistently do well in CS competitions and have a strong AI scene for the size they are and for not being a big time research institution. Why he often says he wished he would have went there has to do more with the non-CS stuff. He likes the atmosphere of being a Christian environment through and through. His best friend attends and he has stayed there a few weekends and believes that the student body is just genuine and awesome. They also have some fun traditions. The most famous is “Silent Night.” Most past years are available on YouTube. My wife attended for Math and my Brother-In-Law teaches there if you have more questions, please message me.

@BrownJames - Please be aware of the difference between an engineering technology (ET) degree and and engineering degree. Engineering technology is a paraprofessional program lacking the high level, theoretically based calculus, calculus-based physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, and the other fundamental sciences that a standard ABET-accredited engineering curriculum provides. Engineering degree holders (i.e., Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc.) typically assume high level design, R&D, and development positions upon graduation in their first professional employment. Engineering Technology (B.S. in Electrical Engineering Technology, etc.) are typically relegated to support positions assisting engineers, assembling equipment and prototypes, testing, documentation, and related ancillary tasks. It is much easier to get an ET degree than an engineering degree, but your career opportunities will be significantly limited. In my experience for example, none of the major aerospace manufacturers with whom I worked gave actual design and oversight of design responsibilities to ET degree holders, the few we hired are technicians assisting engineers.

You aren’t an engineer with an ET degree, and for Valencia College (whom I have never heard of) or anyone else to claim that you will have an “advanced career in engineering” is misleading, IMO.

In my experience, very few religiously-controlled, small colleges have engineering and CS programs that can really compete with technological universities and the engineering/CS schools of major private and public universities. Some large sectarian universities such as Notre Dame have good engineering and CS programs. There may be a few exceptions, but engineering IMO is best left to the dedicated, specialized, professional schools of engineering.

Additionally, do not enroll in a program that is not ABET accredited. ABET accredits both engineering and engineering technology programs. Valencia College does not mention ABET accreditation for its program on its website.

Oral Roberts University has a great CS program:

They also just got a brand new computer lab and a $850,000 supercomputer that students get to work with - fastest machine at any Christian University in the world: