top journalism schools?

<p>what are some of the top journalism schools? i've only heard....</p>

<p>indiana u
unc-chapel hill</p>

<p>someone said arizona state and u arizona?! what the?</p>

<p>someone gimme more, please.</p>


<p>I remember Syracuse being up there as well. (My degree is in Journalism from Rutgers)</p>

<p>If you want to do broadcast... Ithaca College is good... (I'm personally transferring out of the program and school, but that's because I have decided that I want to switch to finance). It isn't the program so much as the extracurriculars. The tv and radio stations are very good and win awards. I believe the news program (Newswatch 16) won an award (at least one year) as the best news program for it's market size in the state of New York (including professional stations).</p>