Top rated schools tuition trend

<p>Hello everyone it is my first post on the site. I am interning this summer and my boss asked me to find the tuition trend of the top rated schools in the country since 1990. I gave him the figures the College Board had collected in their annual "Trends in College Pricing," but he said it was too general. Does anyone know where I could get more specific figures? Thanks</p>

<p>be more specific.. what do you want?</p>

<p>Contact the colleges themselves, and seek out the previous editions of the several books that rank colleges because those usually have those figures for every edition(year)-Princeton Review has one for example. This is what I think you're asking. If not then I agree with fatherofthe with being more specific and not so vague.</p>

<p>I imagine the trend is to increase
after all buildings need to be updated- dorms need to be added- I don't know many places where costs are staying the same or going down-
If your boss wants specific information- have him give you the names of hte schools and just look it up in their press releases</p>

<p>You can see the last 3 years at <a href=""&gt;;/a> in their college profiles.</p>