Top Scholars class of 2026

Based on prior year threads it looks like we are getting close to finding out Top Scholar invites. We’re crossing our fingers but who knows, they’re so competitive.

Any ideas or info on when invites would go out?


last year, they didn’t go out until much later (around early to mid february). in the past, they’ve come out late january so i think that that is a possibility still but i’m not sure. should be less than a month though!

update: i was on a call last night for admitted students and they said that top scholars decisions would begin coming around next week!! good luck to everyone


Great info! So did they say on the call that Top Scholar invitations are coming out this week?

Woah that is exciting! Please alert this thread if anyone finds out, the suspense is killing me haha.


the call was last week and they said that they should be coming in the next week or so i’m assuming that ppl will begin finding out thursday or friday. it was in a somewhat unofficial manner so idk if it’s true but based on what i heard i’m gonna trust it lol so hopefully some of us will get good news!!


Anyone hear anything? Nothing here (we are OOS).

We’re OOS, too, and have not heard anything.

In state…have not heard anything

haven’t heard anything yet but i wouldn’t expect much till like 5:30 as that was abt the time that i heard both my honors decision and original university acceptance

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Uofsc is closed today because of snow. Hopefully next week we’ll hear something


I was just selected as an OOS finalist! They sent me an email at 6pm telling me there was a status update in my portal.


Congrats! We got the email that my son has a Top Scholar update, too, but he’s not home yet to check it! We’re also OOS. Fingers crossed that it’s an invitation & will update soon!


Congrats! Do you mind sharing your stats?

My son is a Top Scholar finalist! The interview weekend is February 26-28.


Do they send them all at once or in a few waves? Wondering if we didn’t hear anything, if we’ve been turned down .

both in state and out of state kids have found out today so i doubt that they’re waiting to release more decisions until they confirm how many kids are going to the interview weekend


Bummer for us. Congrats to others.

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98 uw gpa (my school does it out of 100 and doesn’t have weighted) 35 act, 5s on 9 ap exams and taking 4 aps this year, varsity tennis (only one year on varsity), irish dancer, lots of ec with leadership positions including trivia team, model un , latin club, youth group, math team, etc
In my essays I mentioned some specific community service programs that I’m interested in that are through the honors college

Congrats to those invited! That’s fantastic!

Nothing here. We were hoping.

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