<p>can you guys help me narrow/widen my search? I have a 3.96 GPA, top 5%, bunch of ECs and more. Im not just talking about Ivies. Any really good school for science. Please let me know, thank you very much</p>
<p>Besides Ivies–Johns Hopkins, Duke, WUSt.L, Chicago, Northwestern, Stanford, Tufts, Brandeis…</p>
<p>Wisconsin-largest bio-research operation in the US. Also new facilities all over the bio area.
This recently opened:</p>
<p>[JS</a> Online: Research hub at UW gets huge gift](<a href=“http://www3.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=413060]JS”>http://www3.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=413060)</p>
<p>Go to John Hopkins for anything bio. I think the education is even better than some ivies.</p>
<p>JHU and WUSTL.</p>
<p>Duke, Hopkins, Tufts, Holy Cross. Holy Cross-top 30 LAC with new science building. HC is also one of the very few LAC’S that has produced a Nobel Prize winner in science. Like DUKE and the Ivies, Holy Cross is need blind for admissions and HC has a January15th application due date.</p>
<p>Here’s yet another kind of list (first posted by interesteddad): </p>
<p>Percent of PhDs per gradutate
Academic field: Bio and Health Sciences</p>
<p>PhDs and Doctoral Degrees: ten years (1994 to 2003) from NSF database
Number of Undergraduates: ten years (1989 to 1998) from IPEDS database</p>
<p>Note: Does not include colleges with less than 1000 graduates over the ten year period
2059 5.39% California Institute of Technology<br>
2599 4.77% Reed College<br>
3657 4.40% Swarthmore College<br>
8270 3.29% University of Chicago<br>
11348 3.08% Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
1015 3.05% University of California-San Francisco<br>
17855 3.04% Harvard University<br>
2565 3.00% Kalamazoo College<br>
1335 2.92% Harvey Mudd College
2410 2.82% Earlham College
9260 2.68% Johns Hopkins University<br>
11101 2.60% Princeton University<br>
2773 2.60% Haverford College<br>
4936 2.57% Mount Holyoke College<br>
12941 2.50% Yale University
6432 2.47% Rice University
2598 2.46% Lawrence University
4561 2.46% Carleton College<br>
16662 2.45% Stanford University
7067 2.43% Oberlin College
33736 2.37% Cornell University, All Campuses<br>
3229 2.26% Grinnell College<br>
2041 2.25% Hendrix College
2879 2.12% Bryn Mawr College<br>
3740 2.11% Bowdoin College
5840 2.11% Wellesley College<br>
4179 2.06% Amherst College
3578 2.04% Pomona College<br>
2308 2.04% Beloit College<br>
14669 2.02% Brown University<br>
11830 2.00% University of Rochester
2047 2.00% Long Island University Southampton Campus<br>
6751 1.97% Case Western Reserve University
15531 1.94% Duke University
2361 1.91% Hampshire College<br>
1535 1.89% Ripon College<br>
2966 1.85% SUNY College of Environmental Sci & Forestry<br>
2199 1.82% Knox College<br>
5082 1.81% Williams College<br>
3821 1.78% Occidental College<br>
3989 1.75% Allegheny College<br>
2911 1.75% Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science<br>
38488 1.75% University of California-Davis<br>
2462 1.75% Juniata College
6901 1.74% St Olaf College
30559 1.74% University of California-San Diego<br>
4113 1.70% Bates College<br>
3945 1.70% Macalester College<br>
56363 1.69% University of California-Berkeley<br>
12784 1.65% College of William and Mary
1363 1.61% New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology<br>
1971 1.57% Centre College<br>
1092 1.56% Rush University
7081 1.53% Wesleyan University
1277 1.49% Fisk University
1753 1.48% Wabash College<br>
2640 1.48% Hiram College<br>
13887 1.48% Washington University<br>
2081 1.44% University of Dallas<br>
21761 1.40% University of California-Santa Cruz
7162 1.40% Smith College
<p>I second most of the schools in vossron’s list. Many of them (Earlham, Kalamazoo, etc.) are superb for the sciences and pre-med but get little press.</p>
<p>I would add Rhodes and Hope to the list, both of which are quite fantastic for the sciences.</p>
<p>Emory? I don’t know anything first hand, but many posts over the past couple of years on this BB have described Emory as excellent pre-med preparation and advising.</p>
<p>The other off-the-wall names that are often mentioned at UT-Dallas, and University of Maryland, Baltimore County.</p>
<p>I also wonder if Baylor might be a good choice owing to its informal affiliation with the Baylor Medical College, which is certainly top 20 in the country by most measures.</p>
<p>You might be a good candidate for the McDermott Scholars program at UT Dallas. Check it out</p>
<p>Duke, Holy Cross and the Ivies are also need blind for admissions. Holy Cross is easier to get into than the Ivies but has a very good medical alumni network and sponsors science internships on campus.</p>
<p>“Wisconsin-largest bio-research operation in the US”</p>
<p>I also love my alma mater but this can’t be true. One way in which universities are compared in their biological science capacities is by comparing the amount of research funding they draw. [Award</a> Data for Individual Organizations - NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)](<a href=“http://report.nih.gov/award/trends/FindOrg.cfm]Award”>http://report.nih.gov/award/trends/FindOrg.cfm) At the top of the list, you would find Johns Hopkins, UCSF, Penn, Michigan, Pittsburgh and even Wisconsin.</p>
<p>Another aspect that you might want to consider, if you are interested in scientific opportunities outside of academia, biotech and pharmaceutical companies are only found in large numbers in a few places around the states eg. Boston, Southern California, Research Triangle.</p>
<p>Alternatively, you might be less interested in research and more interested in clinical care in which universities with strong affiliations to medical facilities would be a better fit. Some universities split their university campus from their medical campus. What a poor fit that would be if you wanted to shadow physicians or volunteer at a hospital and you had to rearrange your class schedule around it or take a bus for an hour to do so.</p>
<p>Finally, you might want more personalized attention from faculty in which case the kind of universities that would excel in all normal measures of scientific merit, would be a bad fit. Maybe a liberal arts college or private university with top notch advising would be a better fit.</p>
<p>There is no right answer to your question, but instead a spectrum of better to worse options related to many factors beyond the general field you are interested in.</p>
<p>OK, I was off but only slightly. UW is #2 among general purpose universities (not just med school campuses or research institutes like Scripps) in biosciences research and #5 overall in life sciences according to NSF data which is broader than NIH.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf10311/pdf/tab48.pdf[/url]”>http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf10311/pdf/tab48.pdf</a></p>
<p>Tufts, Holy Cross</p>
<p>Are you a junior in high school?</p>
<p>Do you have any test scores?</p>
<p>What state are you in?</p>
<p>Do you know what your college budget is?</p>
<p>Tulane, Wisconsin-Madison, Minnesota, Penn State, UIUC…</p>