Top ten ways to know if you are a nerd

<li>You have read War and Peace at least once</li>
<li>You took (are taking) way more than the UC allowed AP courses in high school</li>
<li>You have declared yourself to be a pre-med major despite the lack of any such major in the UC system</li>
<li>When someone invites you to a party, you want to know what kind of cake their mom made.</li>
<li>You have never been drunk; in fact you have never had a drink at all</li>
<li> You think hooking up means getting a great deal on a computer</li>
<li>a wild night for you consists of having caffeine past 8 PM and blowing off the assigned extra reading in your Humanities class</li>
<li>You know what’s on TV on Friday and Saturday night</li>
<li>You have never tailgated before; in fact you have never been to a live football game </li>
<li>You hate sports</li>

<p>Now make your own list since this web site needs a lot more humor!</p>

<li>You spend countless hours trying to impress the nerds on cc by telling them what they already know.</li>

<p>no no. there is only one true way to know if you are a nerd.</p>

<p>you post on forums.</p>

<p>i say that with love.</p>

<p>will you marry me ;) ;) ?</p>

hahahaha blink blink...i get it!! creative haha</p>

<p><em>Clapssssss</em> Nice one blinkblink.</p>

<p>Thank you 16399. I think it may have gone over worried's head though. ;) ;)</p>

<p>voiceofreason, to your proposal i say:</p>


<p>;) ;) if you knew me you would say yeeeessssssss!</p>

<p>Get a room, you cyberpimp and cyberpimpette.</p>

<p>it was a proposal of marriage you beast!</p>

<p>i'll marry you, voice. of course i'd have to see you first to make sure you're not a beast yourself! hahaha</p>


<p>i...don't think so.</p>

<p>besides. we all know that you've already married yourself to football.. and you like to remind us. everyday.</p>

<p>;) ;) this is where you make your mistake. I would be just as passionate about yooooouuuuuuu!</p>

<li>You propose on an online college forum.</li>

<p>not only that dude, you get declined :(</p>

<p>I think ;);) might change her mind though</p>

<li><p>You receive a public rejection to your online marriage proposal. This makes you think you just need to try again; perhaps from a different vector. The calculus cannot be that complex.</p></li>
<li><p>You feel hopeful the recipient is actually a female.</p></li>

<li>You don't actually care if the recipient is male or female.</li>
