Torn between ART majors HELP!

<p>Hello everyone on college confidential boards.
I would really like to ask you for your advice.</p>

<p>So, right now I am totally stuck in a rut, I initially wanted to apply for Photography for about 3 years now, My current elective shop class at school (high school) , is Film/Tv Production, I've been taking this class for 2 years, during which, I still very much wanted to do photography but in the beginning of this year, I decided that I would major in Film/Tv production because I started to really like the editing aspect of it, and on the other hand, I could not scrape together a photography portfolio due to many obstacles and financial problems, sooooo now I am not really liking Film and Video as my major, I truly want to do photography so in conclusion.</p>

<p>I have basically kept my major as this for the time being so it will be easier for me to get accepted first, since I do have a Film reel/portfolio from school, which is really good inmyopinion. Anyway, do you think this is a good idea. </p>

<p>Is it easy to switch your major once you are accepeted?</p>

<p>Ahhh sorry for the long post, but this is really important to me and is stressing me out extremely, thank you for your time and advice.</p>


<p>The majority of schools prefer portfolios that are more general and varied than specific toward one area of interest. Which is not to say that being focused or interested in one thing is a drawback, nor that a portfolio weighted heavily in one area is a detriment. </p>

<p>Regardless, it is very common for students to change their majors. Most art colleges do not require students to even declare a major until the Spring quarter/semester of their Freshman year. However, once you are in the door at a school, it is generally very easy to switch majors. The only drawback might be the loss of credit hours that do not transfer from one major to another.</p>

<p>No reason to stress out…just put a portfolio of your best work together. Add a little variety if possible, but not if the additional work is below average. You do not need to know or declare your major immediately at most schools, and you can change it later if necessary.</p>

<p>Thanks Rainingagain…I really appreciate your advice and information.</p>